This context can be updated with information about the trip, such as passenger pick-up time, traffic jams, and passenger drop-off time, based on events received from limos on the road. 可以使用在路上从豪华汽车公司接收的信息更新此上下文,例如旅客上车时间、交通拥塞和旅客下车时间。
The families spend on the usual: photographs, limos, wedding gowns and honeymoons& to the U.S. or at home. 新人家庭一般会在这几个方面花钱:婚纱照、婚车、婚纱和蜜月&去美国或是在国内旅游。
Need a travel history of your limos, taxis, buses or other commercial vehicles? 需要有一个旅行的历史,你的豪华轿车,出租车,公共汽车或其他商用车辆?
While the politicians ride in limos, ordinary people have no decent transportation. 政客们坐着豪华轿车,普通人却没有象样的交通工具。
Fig1.Several limos were damaged by Vitriol intentionally in HuiLongGuang of Beijing 昨天晚上,回龙观的几辆私家好车被人泼了硫酸
Armstrong first cut 18,000 jobs and jettisoned frills like corporate limos. 首先,阿姆斯壮精简了18000条影响公司发展的内容,例如公司的豪华轿车等。
Attention, everybody: the limos are waiting. 所有人注意:轿车正等着。
Nursing Patients with Diabetes and Amputation Due to Limos and Toes Necrosis 糖尿病肢趾坏死截肢的护理