Linguistically, all languages are equally perfect and complete. 从语言学来说,所有语言都是完美和完整的。
These force you to focus and to look at things in different ways, both spatially and linguistically. 这些促使你集中注意于即从时间上又从语言学上等不同角度去观察事情。
XML also has tags, such as lang, to label certain fields to indicate language settings for the linguistically meaningful information, such as descriptions. XML也有一些标记,如lang,用于标示某些字段,以表明语言上有意义的信息(如描述)的语言设置。
Many have said that sorry is the hardest word but they'd be wrong, linguistically speaking at least. 很多人说,对不起是最难说出口的词。不过,他们其实错了至少从语言学的角度上说。
Joining these meanings together here makes sense both linguistically and in the statutory scheme. 把这些含义连接起来在语言学上和法律体制中才都有意义。
Text analytics allows users to break down sentences linguistically to get the facts. 文本分析可以让用户从语言学上打破句子模式,从而获取事实。
Have not adjusted culturally or linguistically to life in the US or to US teaching and reading requirements. 还没有调整文化或语言的生命在美国或美国的教学和阅读的需要。
Linguistically, it is called non-verbal communication. 从语言学角度来讲,身体语言被称为非言语交流。
Teachers establish a caring, inclusive, safe, and linguistically and culturally rich community of learning where students take intellectual risks and work both independently and collaboratively. 教师创设一个关爱的、和融的、安全的、浓厚语言环境且文化内涵富润的学习社区,满足学生独立地和合作性地进行智力冒险的需要。
More Spanish speakers are speaking English very well despite a steady influx of immigrants this decade& a sign that they are blending in at least linguistically. 近十年来,尽管西班牙移民源源不断地涌入美国,但能说流利英语的西班牙移民却越来越多。这表明他们至少在语言上正在融入美国社会。
The links between the two countries are so strong that linguistically, and probably culturally too, they are closer together than ever. 两国之间的关系如此紧密,语言方面,可能文化方面也是如此,它们现在是空前的紧密。
This analysis of the generic use of he is linguistically doubtful. 有关he的属性用法的分析,从语言学角度上来说,是有疑问的。
A linguistically fluent visitor may tend to offend even more than those who don't speak as well if that visitor shows ignorance about interface etiquette; 一个语言流利的客人如果不懂面对面交往的礼仪,会比那些说话不那么流利的客人更得罪人;
Like the EU, Belgium is linguistically and culturally divided. 与欧盟一样,比利时是个多语言、多文化的地区。
Some of these deficits – indeed, the ones we are most likely to witness – will be in functions that appear to be linguistically relevant, such as auditory memory. 事实上,其中许多我们平时都能观察得到的缺陷都和语言的功能有关,比如听觉就是这样。
A member of any of a large number of linguistically related peoples of Central and South Africa. 在语言上与中非人和南非人属于同一语言系统的人数众多的人。
She advocates for programs that aims to increase access quality healthcare services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for limited-English proficient communities. 她提倡应对英语熟练度有限的社区,提供更适合其文化和语言的高品质健康照护计画并增加可近性。
The evidence shows that infants enter extra uterine life with many strong perceptual biases and motoric dispositions already nudging them toward linguistically relevant patterns of stimulation. 这个证据说明,婴儿出生时就拥有强烈的认知上的偏好和运动神经上的预设,这使得它们对和语言相关的环境刺激产生了兴趣。
Linguistically, it is a complete, natural language form. 从语言学角度看,它是一种完全、自然的语言形式。
Naming automobile brands and having automobile brand names translated into culturally acceptable linguistic symbols becomes an even challenging business as culturally heterogeneous and linguistically diverse consumers drive the global marketplace. 命名国内汽车品牌和将国外汽车品牌翻译成文化可接受性的象征成为一种更具挑战性的产业,正是具有文化异质性和语言多样性的顾客驱动了全球市场。
Conflict means Chinese proverbs and English proverbs express different connotative meanings with the linguistically same terms. 英语谚语与汉语谚语冲突(Conflict),即英语谚语与汉语谚语用同样的词汇和表达方式来表达不同的意思。
Language transfer is linguistically and cognitively restricted by markedness. 语言学和认知学范畴的标记性被视为语言迁移的两个制约因素。
Linguistically, short sentences, phrases, elliptical sentences and abbreviations are prevalent in job advertisements. 在句法上,英语招聘广告中短句子、短语、省略句、祈使句和缩略语大量存在,而时态大多为现在时和将来时。
The strategy of integration not only provided the eight participants with emotional and supportive connection with their cultural group but also enlarged their social circles and allowed them a verbal space in a linguistically different society. 整合策略不仅为8名旅居者提供了连接与其同种文化群体的情感和支持纽带,还扩大了他们在旅居社会中的交际圈,让他们在一个截然不同的语言环境中获得了表达空间。
The new findings embody the differences between Chinese and other languages linguistically and culturally. 新的发现则体现了汉语和其它语言在语言学上和文化上的差异。
As a result, quite a few students are linguistically competent, but cannot communicate effectively and appropriately. 结果,有相当多的学生即使有较强的语言能力,也无法有效而得体地进行交际,语用失误的现象常常发生。
The presidential inaugural address is a sub-type of public political speaking and is linguistically a genre with special characteristics. 美国总统就职演说是一种在特定场合下的演说,有其独特的语言和内容特点。
Linguistically speaking, input refers to the language the learner is exposed to. 从语言学角度出发,语言的输入就是指学习者被暴露的语言环境。
Joining in the 'speech community', Mr. Morel enjoyed a sense of belonging linguistically. 加入到工友们这个语言社区后,他享受到了语言的归属感。
Persons belonging to a minority group are being politically, socially, and linguistically disadvantaged. 这些群体在政治、社会和语言等方面都处于弱势地位。