N-COUNT 咬舌(指将s和z读作th,如把sing念作thing等) If someone has a lisp, they pronounce the sounds 's' and 'z' as if they were 'th'. For example, they say 'thing' instead of 'sing'.
He has a slight lisp. 他说话有点咬舌。
VERB 咬着舌说;口齿不清地说 If someone lisps, they say something with a lisp or speak with a lisp.
The little man, upset, was lisping badly... 那个矮个子因为非常生气,所以说话咬舌咬得很厉害。
Bochmann lisped his congratulations. 博克曼口齿不清地表示祝贺。
Lisp conditional statements use true/ false expressions in conjunction with code. Lisp条件语句将true/false表达式和代码一起使用。
Everything in Lisp, from data to the code making up your application, is a list. Lisp中的一切内容(从数据到组成应用程序的代码)都是列表。
You'll notice that Lisp is not at all like other general programming languages. 您将会发现Lisp与其他普通的编程语言根本不同。
You can see that all Lisp code is expressed as lists. 可以看出,所有Lisp代码都表述为列表。
Up to now, you've been using Lisp as a largely typeless language. 到现在为止,您一直在使用Lisp作为一种大型的无类型语言。
The work from lambda calculus was used to develop functional programming languages, such as Lisp and Scheme. lambda演算用于开发函数编程语言,例如Lisp和Scheme。
It was inspired by the functional programming aspects of Lisp and other functional languages. 它受到了Lisp的函数编程特性和其他函数式语言的启发。
Like most computer algebra systems, Maxima is written in Lisp. 与大多数计算机代数系统一样,Maxima是使用Lisp语言编写的。
Lisp gets more interesting when you blur the distinction between data and code. 如果模糊了数据和代码之间的区别,Lisp会更有意思。
As with most of Lisp, just one basic data structure represents everything. 与大多数的Lisp语言一样,只要一种基本数据结构就表示了一切。
Cusp is a development environment for the Common Lisp programming language. Cusp是CommonLisp编程语言的开发环境。
Lisp also handles conditional constructs such as the if statement. Lisp也处理条件结构,如if语句。
You've implemented a recursive function in Lisp. 您已经在Lisp中实现了递归函数。
The Lisp feature that makes this trivially easy is its macro system. 在Lisp中使得这种方法非常简单的特性是宏系统。
In the limit case, by writing a Lisp interpreter in the less powerful language. 就这个小小的例子而言,你可以使用这些不那么强大的语言,写一个Lisp解释器就行了。
Which has more elements than the Lisp version because you have to extract parameters manually in Perl. 这比Lisp和Ruby的版本,有更多的语法元素,因为在Perl语言中,你不得不手工提取参数。
Just like Lisp, Ioke provides syntactic abstractions. 就像Lisp一样,Ioke提供了语法抽象。
Both C and Lisp will be available as system programming languages. 和Lisp都将会成为系统的程式语言。
Event handlers and other delegates are created by passing in a Lisp closure to the delegate's constructor. 事件处理器和其它的委托(delegate)可以通过向委托的构造方法传入一个Lisp闭包的方式创建。
Clojure is a LISP and comes with a powerful macro system. Clojure是一种LISP语言,并且具有强大的宏系统。
Development of Worm-gearing CAD System Based on Visual LISP and VBA 基于VISUALLISP和VBA的蜗杆传动CAD系统开发
Examples on the link page include calling Excel objects via Microsoft Office automation from Lisp. 在链接页面中,有不少示例,其中就有一个从Lisp中通过MicrosoftOffice自动化调用Excel对象的例子。
People get the impression that Lisp is all about lots of macros and meta-sauce. 人们对Lisp的所有印象就是其有大量的macros和meta-sauce。
I started to LISP when I lost my front teeth in an accident. 我的门牙在事故中被撞掉后我开始口齿不清。
Ruby, compared to Lisp and Perl, has a good balance of simplicity and magic ( 38:20). Ruby与Lisp和Perl比起来,在简易性和神奇性之间有一个更好的平衡(38:20)。
In Common Lisp it's very powerful. 在CommonLisp中,这非常强大。
Lisp languages have a very flexible syntax and also utilize macro-processing facilities. Lisp语言有非常灵活的语法并借助了宏处理(macro-processing)功能。