I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her70's, white-haired, and still beautiful. 接见我的是位长挑身材,袅娜轻盈、神采奕奕的老太太,七十多岁的年纪,满头白发,依然清秀漂亮。
What if she's lithe and slim and you are curvy? 如果她轻盈纤细而你身材丰满呢?
Heather, the woman subletting the apartment to me, was a dancer, blonde and lithe with Betty Boop eyes. 把公寓转租给我的女子叫希瑟,她是一名舞蹈演员,金发,长着一对贝蒂娃娃(BettyBoop)似的大眼睛。
Taylor pulled another quick change, this time showing off her lithe figure in a pair of red shorts and clingy blue top. 泰勒又换上了另外一套演出服,这一次她穿着一条红色热裤,上面搭配着蓝色紧身衣,好身材一览无余。
I watched, amazed at her lithe dancer's step, till she dumped her tray and glided through the back door, faster than I would have thought possible. 我吃惊地看着她那柔软灵活的舞步,直到她把自己的盘子倒掉,然后悄悄地从后门溜了出去,速度快得超出了我的想象。
Lithe and smiling, proud of his "boot-shaped" and blister-proof feet, he moved on exposed rock faces with the grace of a dancer and the fearlessness of a boy. 靠着他引以为傲的“靴子形”长满老茧的脚,只见肢体轻盈,面带笑容的他像一名舞者在裸露的岩石上移来跳去,像个孩子一般无所畏惧。
The cat goes furtively downstairs, winding her lithe tail and licking her lips. 那只猫蜷着它那弯弯的尾巴,用舌头舔着嘴角,贼头贼脑地溜下楼去。
Overall, the Akhal-Teke should give the impression of lithe athleticism without excessive musculature. 总体而言,阿克哈-塔克马应给予轻盈的运动能力的印象,没有过多的肌肉。
Above all, her lithe and graceful dance send out magical powers to make everyone ecstasizing. 尤其是她那轻盈而优雅的舞姿,散发出一种魔力,让所有人为之心醉神迷。
Strong and lithe, neither bony nor flabby. 强壮并柔软,既不瘦骨嶙峋也不显得松驰。
Six boys and five girls, lithe and thin, their skin dusky from the sun and a film of dust and ash. 六个男孩,五个女孩,柔软、纤细,皮肤因为日晒和尘灰而色泽发暗。
A striking silhouette shows off the lithe form of a cheetah approaching a tree for a late afternoon slumber. 这张惹人注目的剪影照片显现出一头走向一棵树准备午后小憩的猎豹的矫健的身影。
He stretched his lean, lithe body. 他伸了伸他那瘦削,灵活的肢体。
It is a complex and lithe and graceful curve, but can be the most simple reduction of two-dimensional line. 也是数学奥秘的游戏呈现。它有着复杂曼妙的曲线,却可以还原成最单纯的二维线条。
She looked at his brown face, his lithe build, his shock of hair, and the quick heel-and-toe way that he walked. 她望着他那棕色的脸,矫健的身材,蓬乱的头发和那敏捷的步伐。
Their graceful body language and lithe movements underline the balletic perfection of the female form. 他们优雅的肢体语言和柔软的精彩表现帮助湖人摆脱落后的完美的动作的女性的形式。
His lithe athlete's body had been his pride through most of the fifty-six years. 他那轻巧自如的运动员体格,五十六年来几乎一直使他感到自豪。
She had the lithe limber body of a dancer. 她有舞蹈演员灵巧柔软的身体。
The models in the Miss Seeker, guided by the footsteps marched toward lithe their point shooting and took off his white windbreaker. 模特们在导引小姐的导引下,迈着轻盈的脚步走向自己的拍摄点,脱下白色的风衣。
She has the lithe grace of a gymnast. 她有体操运动员轻盈而优美的体态。
A song of lithe and graceful taste waltz. 一曲曼妙的味觉华尔兹。
He was lithe; that was the word she had thought of while watching him. 他很轻捷,当时她望着他时想到的是这个词。
Appearance Sylphs resemble tall, lithe humans-with one exception. 精灵的样子类似高个、身体柔软的人类-只有一个例外。
He watches her depart, lithe and strong, her shoulders set in a line suggesting she just might be able to will her patients back to health, if that's what it takes. 他看着她离去,她的身影柔软又坚强,她的肩膀绷得很直,好像在暗示她会让她的病人重获健康,如果这样就行得通的话。
She, too, embodies an avatar based on the tall, lithe, tailed, blue humanoid species that populates the planet. 她也化身为身材高大的,轻盈的,有尾巴的,蓝色人形的物种,在这个星球上遍布的物种。
The guest list remains the same in the various paintings, and the people stay lithe. 在这些各种画作中,客人名单依然一样,人物描绘依然活灵活现。
He was as lithe and strong as an athlete. 他像运动员一样身体结实,灵巧自如。
Luckily, lithe as he may be, he has an uncanny ability to play through injury. 幸运的是,也许是他柔韧性好,即使在伤病中,他依然保持着神奇的力量。
He was a lithe and well-made youth, with a lanky build and a shock of dark blue hair. 那是个相貌英俊行动敏捷的年轻人,体格纤长顶着一丛深蓝色头发。