Coptic Christians use the Coptic language, descended from ancient Egyptian, for liturgical purposes, but it is not a language in daily use. 科普特基督徒在做礼拜时使用祖传下来的科普特语言,但这不是他们日常使用的语言。
Liturgical book [ not containing music] 礼拜仪式书[不含乐谱]
The official of a synagogue who conducts the liturgical part of the service and sings or chants the prayers intended to be performed as solos. 指导宗教仪式礼拜式部分和祈祷者将表演独奏曲一样的演唱或颂圣歌的犹太教官员。
Until the invention of photography," the imitation of nature "assumed almost liturgical significance in aesthetic theory. 照相术发明之前,“模仿自然”在美学理论中一直几乎受到顶礼膜拜。
Our time, too, calls for a renewed awareness and appreciation of liturgical norms as a reflection of, and a witness to, the one universal Church made present in every celebration of the Eucharist. 我们的时代也需要重新认知并重视遵守礼仪规范,以反映并见证在每一次感恩祭中临在的唯一而普世性的教会。
Priests who faithfully celebrate Mass according to the liturgical norms, and communities which conform to those norms, quietly but eloquently demonstrate their love for the Church. 忠实地按照礼仪的规范举行感恩祭的司铎,以及遵守此规范的信友,就是以静默但却有力的方式证明他们?教会的爱。
International Society for Liturgical Study and Renewal 国际礼拜仪式研究和更新协会
The liturgical language of the Coptic Church of Egypt and Ethiopia; written in the Greek alphabet. 埃及和埃塞俄比亚的科普特教堂的礼拜式的语言;用希腊字母所写。
A liturgical prayer consisting of a series of petitions recited by a leader alternating with fixed responses by the congregation. 启应祷文礼拜仪式上的祷告,由主持人所背诵的一系列祷文所组成,期间交错着众人所作出的固定反应。
One who assists a minister in a liturgical service. 在一次礼拜式仪式中帮助牧师的人。
Gregorian Chant is a musical repertory made up of chants used in the liturgical services of the Roman Catholic Church. 格立高圣歌是由音乐剧组成的在罗马天主教会礼拜用的圣歌。
This course is designed primarily for those in or preparing for the ordained ministry. However, it is also open to those interested or involved in parish liturgical development. 本课程主要是为那些已领受或准备领受圣秩职务的人士而设。然而,亦欢迎有兴趣或经已参与堂区礼仪发展的人士报读。
A liturgical headdress worn by bishops on formal occasions. 主教教徒在正式场合戴的一种礼拜式的头饰。
Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. 梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、教和耆那教的祭礼语言。
We are finally in the first week of Advent, as you know Advent marks the beginning of the Liturgical Year, so according to the Church a new year has already began. 本周是将临期的第一周,众所皆知,将临期是礼仪年之起点,代表教会新一年的开始。
Certain it is also that on the Malabar or west coast of southern India a body of Christians still exists using a form of Syriac for its liturgical language. 能肯定的事,也是对马拉巴尔或西海岸的印度南部的一个机构的基督徒仍然存在,用一种形式的叙利亚文供其礼仪语言。
A liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church. 罗马天主教教堂里的一种礼拜式的圣歌。
It's a very important liturgical piece; I'll talk about it again next time in a little bit more depth. 这首非常重要的礼拜颂歌;,下次我会深入讲讲。
The Torah is, of course, the first five books of what Christians call the Old Testament, and the oldest surviving of the Judaic liturgical texts. 当然律法是基督徒称作古老遗嘱及依然存在的最古老的犹太礼拜文本最初的五本书。
An ancient liturgical hymn. 古代一种礼拜式圣歌。
A close-sleeved linen liturgical vestment worn by priests. 牧师穿的一种紧袖礼拜法衣。
The liturgical solemnity of the Annunciation, which we celebrate tomorrow, leads us to contemplate with Mary's eyes the enormous mystery of this merciful love that arises from Christ's heart. 这节日的礼仪要引领我们以圣母玛利亚的眼光,去默观那由耶稣圣心所流溢出来的伟大「慈爱」奥迹。
A prakit language that is a scriptural and liturgical language of Hinayana buddhism. 巴利语记录小乘佛教典籍所用的一种印度语言。
These programs develop students'understanding of Hebrew Scripture and its commentary tradition, Jewish philosophy and ethics, liturgical traditions, counseling, and homiletics. 这些课程促进了学生对某方面的理解,其包括希伯来书圣经及其评注传统、犹太哲学和伦理、礼拜式传统、心理咨询及说教术。
One who uses or advocates the use of liturgical forms. Etiquette and Cultivation of the Civil Service: From the perspective of Chinese traditional etiquette 礼拜仪式倡用人运用或提倡运用礼拜仪式的人论公务员的礼仪修养&从中国传统礼仪的视角
The liturgical movement in 1920s. 20年代的礼仪运动。
The liturgical system was one of the state systems of ancient Athens. 公益捐助制度是古代雅典的城邦制度之一。
Her writing is a powerful expression of a Jewish ethos. She characterizes her claims as a call for a liturgical literature impregnated with the values of Judaism. 她乐于被称为犹太作家,并且以一个纯粹的犹太人的立场去观察世界。她的作品是对犹太民族精神的一种有力阐释,她提倡一种饱含犹太教价值观的礼拜式文学。
The fourth part focused on the liturgical system of the social impact of the Liao, Jin, both positive and negative effects as well as the impact of later dynasties. 第四部分着力于赋役制度对辽金社会产生的影响,包括积极影响和消极影响以及对后世王朝所产生的影响。
The first part describes the system of Jin and economic forms and liturgical formation. 第一部分主要叙述了辽金经济形态及赋役制度的形成。