This practice carries on a tradition from the reign of Prince Antoine I, during whose rule a choir of children sang the liturgies in the Palatine Chapel. 这一实践把安东尼一世亲王辖区的传统音乐带了回来,在他统治时期唱诗班的儿童在巴拉丁伯爵礼拜堂歌唱礼拜歌曲。
Before the crisis, British politicians, for some years, conducted elaborate liturgies of devotion before mighty finance, humbly promising not to get in its way. 危机爆发前的一些年里,英国政客们在强大的金融业面前顶礼膜拜,谦卑地承诺将不会妨碍其发展。
Liturgies exist in a wide variety of forms, depending on the different religious communities in which they are used. 礼拜仪式形式多样,视它们所在的宗教社区而定。
Politicians recite their liturgies in TV studios. 政客们在电视演播室里朗诵祷文。
In most of Hebrews, therefore, I said, is a comparison between two liturgies, two leitourgiai. 因此在《希伯来书》大部分内容,是对两个leitourgiai之间的对比。