The adventure finally came to an end after the tram conductor noticed there was a llama aboard and asked the passengers to depart the train. 直到电车售票员发现车上有一只羊驼,要求这些乘客离开,这场冒险才告以尾声。
Scientists asked undergraduates to listen to recordings of men from a variety of cultures: from Romanian college students to Argentinian llama herders. 科学家让大学生们收听来自不同文化的男性录音带,从罗马尼亚的大学生到阿根廷美洲驼的牧民,各色各样。
A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile's Atacama Desert. 在智利月球表面似的阿塔卡马沙漠中,一辆皮卡的车厢里有一头紧张的美洲驼。
The group left the llama in the care of tram worker's care until it was returned to the circus. 这伙青年将羊驼留交给电车工作人员看管后离开,随后羊驼被归还给了马戏团。
I almost ordered a llama. 差点儿就订一头美洲骆了。
It was a popular move: in a nationwide vote of confidence last year, the former llama herder and coca-leaf farmer received the backing of 67 per cent of the electorate. 这是一个受欢迎的举动:在去年的全国信心投票中,这位曾经的骆驼牧人和古柯叶农民受到了67%选民的支持。
Domesticated llama with long silky fleece; believed to be a domesticated variety of the guanaco. The people of the Andes have domesticated another wild camel, the guanaco, to produce heavy-fleeced versions which produce excellent wool 产优质长毛的驯养骆驼;被认为的原驼的驯养变种。安第斯山上的居民牧养另一种野生小羊驼这种原驼为他们提供了大量的羊毛
Research by the French Institute of Andean Studies suggests the Incas flourished after they began using llama dung for fertilizer. 安第斯法国研究所这份研究表明,开始使用骆驼粪便作肥料以后,印加文明逐渐繁荣起来。
I passed by the silent tiger the ailing ape the forgotten llama the penguin face down in the water I retreat into the nocturama. 走过沉默的虎走过萎靡的猿走过被人遗忘的无峰驼企鹅垂首向湖我退回囚禁夜兽之所。
A new study suggests the Inca civilisation in the Peruvian Andes may have owed part of its success to llama droppings. 一项新研究显示,秘鲁安第斯山印加文明部分应该归功于骆驼粪便。
Samples of mud and pollen taken from a lake suggest llama dung, used as fertilizer, helped the ancient people of the Andes make the transition from hunter-gathering to farming. 从湖中提取的泥土和花粉显示,骆驼粪便用作肥料帮助古代印加人从狩猎采集到农业的过渡。
Felipe llama un taxi para su amigo. 费利普给他的朋友叫出租车。
In the popular Eddie Murphy movies, they used a llama. 在流行的艾迪墨菲电影,他们使用了骆驼。
The llama was domesticated long ago as a beast of burden. 很早以前,美洲骆驼就被驯服为役兽。
Is your mama a llama? 你妈妈是只美洲驼吗?
The results showed that genetic difference between alpaca and vicuna, llama were comparatively more than genetic difference between alpaca and guanaco. The results made it possible that in the traditional taxonomy alpaca was breeding camel after domestic guanaco, and provided molecular basis for the traditional taxonomy. 结果表明,羊驼与骆马和美洲驼存在的遗传差异相对比羊驼与原驼大,为传统分类学中的羊驼是原驼驯化以后的一种家养驼的提法提供了分子学依据。