The government decided that LMU, which has a business school, was not stringent enough in tracking non-EU students once they were enrolled and in September stopped automatically granting visas to its students. 政府认为lmu(该校有一所商学院)在跟踪管理非欧盟学生方面不够严格,9月份自动停止向该校学生发授签证。
In this approach, the design of Logical Manufacturing Process ( LMP) and Logical Manufacturing Unit ( LMU) was studied according to the process flow of part, and manufacturing tasks were decomposed and described based on LMP and LMU. 该方法依据零件工艺流程,设计逻辑制造单元和逻辑加工路线,进行基于逻辑制造单元和逻辑加工路线的制造任务分解和描述。
In the first layer, the bidding-tendering technology is taken to realize the deployment of PMU ( Physical Manufacturing Unit) for the LMU in LMP, and an executive manufacturing process ( EMP) is produced for the LMP; 在第一层次,面向LMP中的LMU利用招投标技术实现PMU配置,针对LMP产生一条EMP;
The LMU based on PC bus technology contains many data acquisition cards compatible with many kinds of sensors, performers and intelligent instruments. 该现场监测单元采用了PC总线接插板技术,内部配有多种类型的数据采集卡,能兼容较多类型的传感器、执行器和智能仪器;
For manufacturing ability information, the models based on Lmu ( Logical manufacturing unit) and parts produced by Pmu respectively were given. 对于物理制造单元的制造能力信息分别面向逻辑制造单元和物理制造单元可加工零件类别进行建模;