From tomboyish loafers to sky-high boots, check out the styles your favorite celebrities will be wearing this autumn and winter. 从调皮的乐福鞋到极高的靴子,来看看今年秋冬你最爱的明星们会穿什么样的款式。
The normally elegant Samantha Cameron proved the point during the election campaign in April, when she kicked off her loafers to reveal a patch of worn skin and bony lumps on her big toes. 平常典雅大方的萨曼莎·卡梅伦在四月份的英国大选活动中证明了这一点。当她踢掉穿着的乐福鞋时,露出来的是磨损的皮肤和脚趾上突出的大骨节。
Yet perceptions linger that sleep is for sissies and loafers, and neither Goldman nor Shaw would comment directly about why they're addressing employees 'sleep habits. 然而,有关睡觉是娘娘腔和懒汉们专利的看法仍然挥之不去,而且无论是高盛还是德劭都不愿意就关注雇员睡眠习惯的原因直接置评。
Sir Christopher Meyer, former British ambassador to the US, believes that for a president, "Bermuda shorts, a T-shirt or polo shirt, along with Penny loafers without socks, is the default seaside attire". 前英国驻美大使克里斯托弗迈耶爵士(sirchristophermeyer)认为,对公司总裁来说,“沙滩裤,t恤或开领短袖衬衫,加上不用穿袜子的懒人鞋,就是默认的海滨服装”。
But like bow ties and white loafers, facial hair is fraught with negative connotations. 但与系蝴蝶结领结和穿白色懒汉鞋一样,留胡子也富含各种负面的暗示。
Girard is wearing pressed khaki pants, expensive-looking leather loafers and a crisp blue button-down. Girard穿着卡其裤,看起来很贵的皮鞋,有波纹的兰色钮扣。
I discuss the imaginary of the nation as embodied in the images of the overseas compatriots, loafers, and wanderers, and sense of anxiety. 本文以此为论述对象,探讨作者通过其笔下的海外赤子、浪子和游子等人物形象所体现的民族想像以及其中的忧患意识。
The Moment of Loafers 'Reforming& Review of the Creation of "Elite Literature" at the Turn of the Century 浪子回头的时刻&世纪之交精英文学创作回眸
It is better than the mercenary system since it does not produce so many loafers, but it is not so good as universal military service. 它比募兵制要好些,它不会造成那样多的二流子;但比征兵制要差些。
Waterfront restaurants that serve big crab feasts draw men wearing leather loafers sans socks. 提供螃蟹大餐的码头餐馆还专门招揽那些穿著皮质懒汉鞋、不穿袜子的男人。
Instead, while on the road I resort to the most conservative outfits: blue blazer and grey slacks; charcoal suit and lace-up loafers; grey coat and pleated khakis. 于是,在签售时,我转而选择了最保守的服饰:蓝色的运动夹克与灰色的宽松裤;炭灰色的西服与系带的矮腰皮鞋;灰色的外套与带褶的卡其裤。
He says that when pressed for details of rising prices, many people in China actually reveal that they are upgrading their consumption patterns moving from sidewalk dumpling stalls to branded restaurant chains, buying Nike trainers instead of fake leather loafers. 他表示,许多中国人在被追问到涨价细节时,都会透露出他们实际上在提升自己的消费模式从路边的饺子摊到品牌连锁餐厅,从购买假皮革便鞋到购买耐克(nike)运动鞋。
One theme of "black romantic" in contemporary Hong Kong film is to subvert the systematized culture, while the other one is to describe the feeling of abandoned babies and loafers. “黑色浪漫”在当代香港电影中的一条主线是对体制性文化的颠覆,另一条主线是对弃婴和浪子心态的抒写。
Disliked loafers on the job. And they should wash their hands often. 对工作游手好闲的人工人们要经常洗手。
All loafers must be reformed into good citizens through participation in production. 所有二流子都要受到改造,参加生产,变成好人。
The cute tasseled loafers are from her mother. 可爱的皮鞋是她母亲给的。
There are said to be fifteen to twenty million "loafers" and "rascals" in China. 原注十:据说中国有一千五百万到两千万游手好闲无所事事的“二流子”。
Buy yourself some new loafers. 拿去买双新鞋也好。
This officer was standing across a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater, khakis, and loafers. 这个职员隔着个小柜台站在一个年少的白人男孩对面。男孩子穿着V字领的套头衫,卡其布裤子和平底便鞋。
However, when he isn't running around beautiful cities, he lectures at Harvard University and can be seen wearing Harris Tweed, loafers and a Mickey Mouse watch. 然而,当他不在众多美丽的城市奔波的时候,你会在哈佛大学看到他身穿哈里斯牌粗花呢,脚着懒人拖,戴着米老鼠手表上课。
Loafers and Admonishers& View Metaphors in Image Era 游手好闲者与规训者&图像时代的观看隐喻