A group of protesters gathered outside, chanting and lobbing firebombs. 一群抗议人士聚集在外面,边喊口号边扔燃烧弹。
The interviewers started lobbing questions at the job candidates, according to gamble-risley. 据甘布尔•瑞斯丽描述,面试官随后开始对求职者提问题。
The long-term goal from all this smashing and lobbing is to win Thailand a gold medal the next Olympics in 2016, says Ms. Kamala. Kamala说,所有训练的长远目标就是在2016年下届奥运会上为泰国赢得一枚羽毛球金牌。
It is impossible to believe that Mourinho will last the week without lobbing more verbal grenades at highbury, despite a promise not to seek trouble. 尽管已经承诺不再滋事,要相信穆里尼奥不朝海布利丢更多手榴弹安稳度过这周是不可能的。
Police started lobbing tear gas canisters into the crowd. 警察将催泪瓦斯投入人群中。
There were later reports of gunshots and protesters lobbing rocks at police, who responded with rubber bullets. 此后还有枪击和抗议者向警方投掷石块、而警方用橡皮子弹回击的报道。
But Facebook users have pushed back, increasingly lobbing vociferous complaints that some new features or settings are privacy violations. 越来越多的用户强烈投诉某些新功能或设置侵害隐私。
If you are losing to a team that is staying back, pushing and lobbing, pull them toward you with short shots. ▼如果面对停留后场,打推球和高吊球的一组对手,而你正在输球时,就用短击球将他们拉向你。
Jessica thought I was hilarious, but something in my expression kept her from lobbing a snowball at me herself. 杰西卡觉得我很恶搞,但看见了我的表情以后,她放弃了向我扔个雪球的打算。
Calmins Engine, a maker of diesel engines, made the product greener while lobbing for stricter pollution laws. CalminsEngine-柴油发动机制造商,使产品更加的绿化,低于严格的污染的法律。
Once introduced, the expedite system shall remain in operation until the end of the match. A lobbing service! Point! The right substitution at the right time. 轮换发球法一经实行,将一直使用到该场比赛结束。发了一个高球!得分!换人换得正是时候。
By then scenes of looting, by desperate parents and opportunists alike, were rolling across TV screens, together with images of police lobbing tear gas in response. 而那时,绝望的父母与投机分子之流洗劫财物的画面已经开始在电视屏幕上滚动播放,另外还有警察投放催泪弹加以制止的画面。
The Arab masses loved him for lobbing missiles at Tel Aviv. 阿拉伯大众曾因他向特拉维夫发射导弹而尊崇他。
A lobbing service! Point! The right substitution at the right time. 发了一个高球!得分!换人换得正是时候。
Law and Characteristics of the Offensive Tactics of Oblique Pass and Central Lobbing Used by the Powerful Teams in the World 世界强队运用斜传中吊进攻战术的规律和特点