He took frequent junkets with friends to exotic locales. 他经常和朋友们到一些具有异国情调的地方公款游玩。
GTK+ equips you with the right tools for i18n and l10n, resulting in code ( and binaries) that can be run with many languages and locales unmodified. GTK+提供了针对i18n和l10n的恰当工具,会让代码(和二进制)可以在许多语言和地域上不加修改地运行。
Most of the common locales like ja_Jp, en_US, etc., are available on Linux. 在Linux上,jaJp、enUS等大部分常见的位置都可用。
How do you know what the pattern would be like for different locales? 您知道对于不同的场所模式会是什么样的吗?
Locales are based on the two-letter language codes and two-letter country codes defined by ISO standards. 地区由两个字母的语言代码和两个字母的国家代码来指定,这些代码是由ISO标准定义的。
Keep this restriction in mind if you are faced with the challenge of supporting multiple locales within these environments. 如果您面临在这些环境中支持多个语境的挑战,请记住这个限制。
Similarly, BVT/ FVT needs to be run in all locales to certify the product functionality. 类似地,BVT/FVT需要在所有地区运行,以验证产品功能。
If you're developing international applications, use the locale-specific forms to make your code portable among many locales. 如果要开发国际化应用程序,请使用区域特定的格式以使代码可以在许多区域之间移植。
Change locales& This displays the pages and portlets in the corresponding language. 更换场景&以相应的语言显示页面和portlet。
Formatting instructions that format UI output according to specific locales. 格式化指令,可以根据特定的地区对UI输出进行格式化。
The tr command works best with ASCII and the other standard C locales. tr命令最适合于ASCII和其他标准C区域设置。
The customized logon page feature has built-in support for locales. 定制登录页面特性为地区提供内置的支持。
Add new locales ( by extending the lookup dictionary). 添加新的地区(方法是扩展查找字典)。
A localization pack is a standardized approach for software to support multiple languages and locales through a single executable. 本地化包是软件通过一个可执行文件支持多种语言和语言环境的标准化方法。
Create a directory structure for all locales you must support. 为必须支持的所有语言环境创建目录结构。
Traditionally, the languages have a one-to-one correspondence with the corresponding locales. 一般来说,每种语言都与某个地区相对应。
The case level attribute is off by default in most locales. 在大多数地区中,大小写级属性在默认情况下是关闭的。
POSIX locales set the encoding of plain text files, a function that also removes some of the problems regarding file type recognition and file name processing. POSIXlocale设置纯文本文件的编码,这项功能同时消除了关于文件类型识别和文件名处理的一些问题。
When a server application is deployed for access internationally, it must provide simultaneous support for different locales. 当为了进行国际化访问而部署服务器应用程序时,该应用程序必须同时为不同的地区提供支持。
You store the translation and configuration files in different directories or folders based on different locales, so that the globalized application program can invoke them at any time. 可以根据不同地区将转换和配置文件保存在不同的目录或文件夹中,这样全球化应用程序就可以随时调用它们。
Various documents on Lao: fonts, encoding schemes, and locales. 关于老挝语字体、编码系统和区域设置的各种文档。
InfoQ: One common problem with internationalization and validation is where the validation rules may be different between locales. InfoQ:国际化和验证有一个共同的问题,就是不同地区之间验证规则可能会有所不同。
China has developed its minerals and we just need to testing for high concentrat ¬ ions in other locales. 中国已经发展了他们的矿产,我们需要试试其它地方的高浓度资源。
The system locale and user locales control how numbers, currencies, and dates appear. 系统区域设置和用户区域设置控制数字、货币以及日期的显示方式。
The devicename and subscriberlocale subscription fields are defined so that you can add support for multiple devices and locales. 定义devicename和subscriberlocale订阅字段后,就可以添加对多个设备和区域设置的支持。
Find additional downloads for other locales. 查找适合其他区域的更多下载程序。
A good example of fragments is the translation files for different locales. 关于fragment一个比较好的例子是为不同地区翻译文件。
But irredeemable adventurers will find few locales in Asia more amenable than Peninsular Malaysia. 但那些不可救药的探险者将发现亚洲没有比马来西亚半岛更好的地方了。
These standards represent the common set of symbols and locales software vendors use to internationalize their solutions. 这些标准表示的是一系列通用的符号和区域设定,软件厂商可以使用它们来对解决方案进行国际化处理。