Just in case you wondered whether there might be some locational kinks here, I will disabuse you. 万一你好奇其中是否可能存在着区位问题,那么我会反驳你。
Locational Determinants of Taiwan Investment in Mainland China: An Empirical Study with Partial Least-Squares Regression 台商对大陆投资区位选择的影响因素分析&基于偏最小二乘回归方法的最新考证
Locational Gini index has been widely used to measure industrial spatial agglomeration, but few research analyses its limitation and the impact of using different benchmark distributions. 区位基尼系数虽然广泛用于度量产业的空间集聚,但很少有文献分析其应用的局限性和使用不同基准分布的影响。
The Locational Explore of Scientific Development Design of Nanjing New Rural Area Demonstrate Center 南京新农村示范中心科学发展规划定位探索
With the growing economy and locational advantages, more and more foreigners are choosing to work and live in Qidong, and some even selected to make homes here. 伴随着启东经济的突飞猛进以及区位优势的日益凸显,越来越多的老外选择来启东工作、生活,甚或在启东安家落户。
Distributed Generation Planning Method Based on Locational Marginal Capacity Cost in Distribution Networks 基于配电网节点边际容量成本的分布式电源规划
Research on the locational conditions of the MIDI-INNER Mongolian economic regions and its developmental strategy 蒙中经济区区位条件及其开发对策研究
This is also a chance to reintroduce monopolistic competition since locational differences are enough to turn otherwise identical producers into monopolistic competitors. 这同时也是再提独占市场的很好机会,因为区位上的差异足以让单一生产者成为独占市场。
What locational factors are essential? 什么区位因素是必不可少的?
An Empirical Investigation on Locational Factors and China's OFDI: Based on Quantile Regression 东道国区位因素与中国OFDI关系研究&基于分量回归的经验证据
Distinguishing phenomenon of ceramic industrial clusters in China based on locational quotient 基于区位商法对中国陶瓷产业集群现象的识别
A Study on Locational Selection and Industrial Characteristics of Direct Investment to China from Overseas Chinese Enterprise Groups in Southeast Asia 东南亚华人企业集团对华直接投资的区位选择与产业特征
Then, the paper analyses the economic difference between locational Gini indices calculated using different benchmark distributions and the resulting understanding biases. 之后,本文分析了使用不同基准分布计算区位基尼系数所存在的经济意义上的差异,以及因此可能产生的理解偏差;
Theoretical Research and Practical Analysis on FDI Locational Option of Chinese Enterprises 中国企业FDI区位选择:理论研究与实证分析
The Locational Analysis of Shanghai Port Development in Modern Times in Comparison with Ningbo Port 近代上海港崛起的区位分析&兼与宁波港的比较
This paper addresses the relation between the responsibility of the firm, its locational choices and countries'environmental regulation. 本文研究企业的责任心、企业的区域选择及国家的环境规制之间的关系。
Evaluation of the Economic Potential and Spatial Distribution Based on the Locational Nodes of Principal Component Analysis Theory; Self-localization algorithm for sensor networks using SVM classification region 区位节点的经济潜能及空间分布测算基于SVM分类区域的传感器网络节点自定位算法
This paper tries to reveal the impacts of labor quality on the locational choice of foreign direct investment into China under new backgrounds. 利用1997-2006年我国分省区分年度数据,实证分析劳动力质量对外商直接投资区位选择的影响。
We will develop the theory of land markets and locational choice. 我们将详述土地市场和选址决策的理论。
The analyses reveal that making connections is the key for the Window of Locational Opportunity ( WLO) provided by the information technology evolution. 分析表明:信息技术变革是城市发展的“机会窗口”,而网络连接则是其中的关键所在。
An Empirical Study on Locational Determinants of FDI Inflows 区位决定因素对吸收FDI的实证研究
This paper examined the effects of perceptual grouping, locational uncertainty, andshmulus positions in the visual field on the processing of global and local propertiesof compound stimuli. 文章研究了视知觉组织、空间位置不确定性和视野位置等因素对复合刺激中整体和局部性质加工的影响。
The trend of land use structure is analyzed by calculating locational quotient and segregation index. 通过区位商数和分离指数的计算分析,揭示了未来土地利用方式的时空变化趋势。
This paper focuses on a study of the targets and methods of regional policy, and their roles in the regional economic development from the angle of economic locational theory. 本文从经济区位论的角度,研究了区位政策的目标和手段、以及它们对区域经济发展的作用。
There are locational differences in the development of world economy. 世界经济发展格局中存在着区位条件的差异。
It is development trend of current world's ecology that from ecosystem locational research to forming network. 从生态系统定位研究到形成网络是当今世界生态学的发展趋势。
Industrial and Locational Discrepancies: A Study on International Transfer of Services 服务业国际转移的产业差异和区位差异研究
Locational marginal price ( LMP) as a pricing mechanism of electricity market has been extensively studied and applied. 节点边际电价作为电力市场的一种电价机制被广泛研究和应用。
It is an economic issue of locational and spatial equilibrium of urban system. 城市群整合既是一个一般区位均衡的经济问题,也是一个城市体系组织的空间问题。