There have been many attempts, both light-hearted and serious, to locate the Loch Ness Monster. 有很多人或随意或认真地尝试过,想要找到尼斯湖水怪。
They spent their afternoons playing golf — extremely badly, I may add — around Loch Lomond 他们下午都在洛蒙德湖边打高尔夫——顺便提一句,球技糟透了。
The loch's overflow cascades into the waterfalls of a Japanese water garden. 溢出的湖水倾泻而下,形成了一座日式水景花园的瀑布。
The sides of the loch are almost perpendicular. 湖岸几乎都是垂直的。
Loch plainly felt guilty about it. 洛赫明显对此感到愧疚。
Another attraction here is a legendary monster: the Loch Ness Monster. 这里游人如织的另一个原因则是尼斯湖的怪兽。
Adrian Shine, a researcher on the Loch Ness project, called the new images` really intriguing` and said they deserved further study. 参与尼斯湖研究计划的研究员阿德里安-什恩指出,这些新图片非常吸引人,能够引发人们的巨大兴趣,因此值得他们进行进一步研究。
But the rumours of a rival to the Loch Ness Monster have not just caught the imagination of residents. 但是这个与尼斯湖水怪名气相仿的流言吸引的可不仅仅是本地人。
Then yeah, it's like the Loch Ness monster. 那么我同意,这就象尼斯湖水怪。
Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster? 你相信内斯湖有水怪吗?
Two friends and I decided to kick around the Loch Tay area for a few days. 我和两个朋友决定在泰湾地区闲游几日。
Large aquatic animal supposed to resemble a serpent or plesiosaur of Loch Ness in Scotland. 据说在苏格兰尼斯湖中的巨大象蛇或蛇颈龙的水生怪物。
My favourite place in Scotland is Loch Ness. 我最喜欢的地方是在苏格兰尼斯湖。
In1934, Dr Robert Wilson photographed a long-necked creature in the murky water of Loch Ness in Scotland. 1934年罗伯特·威尔森博士在苏格兰浓雾弥漫的尼斯湖上拍摄到了一只长着长脖子的动物。
Do you know that the water in Loch Ness is black? 知道吗?尼斯湖的水是黑色的。
The university stands in a commanding position overlooking Belfast loch. 这所大学居高临下,俯瞰贝尔法斯特湖。
If I told you the Loch Ness monster hired me what would you say? 如果我向你说是尼斯湖怪雇的我你会怎么想?
Okay, didn't you once tell me you believed in the Loch Ness monster? 好吧你不是曾跟我说你相信尼斯湖水怪吗?
Many people think the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in scotland. 许多人认为,天池湖怪或许时苏格兰得尼斯湖怪得远亲。
A person of odd or grotesque appearance or dress. Some people believe in the Loch Ness monster. 一个相貌或衣着古怪的人有些人相信尼斯湖水怪是存在的。
And his favorite animal is the Loch Ness monster. 他最喜欢的动物是尼斯湖水怪。
One time, when I was eight, Loch had suggested that we go inside. 在我八岁的时候,有一回,卢克建议说我们到里面去看看。
Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond. 太阳照耀在落梦湖上。
Many people believed that this was one of the first photographs of the Loch Ness monster. 许多人认为那该是第一批尼斯湖怪照片中的一张。
There have been many attempts to track down the putative Loch Ness monster. 人们为追踪假定存在的尼斯湖水怪做了许多努力。
Inland, freshwater Loch Lomond is Britain'largest lake. 洛蒙德湖这个内陆淡水湖是英国最大的湖泊。
The northern end of Loch Lomond is steep-sided, and very deep. 湖的最北端非常峻峭,水也很深。
The Loch Ness Monster is reputed to inhabit its deep waters. 尼斯湖怪兽以栖息于深水中而闻名。
1933-Hugh Gray takes the first known photos of the Loch Ness Monster. 1933年的今天,休·格雷拍摄了已知的唯一一张“尼斯湖水怪”的照片。