拘留所;(短期关押犯人的)监狱 a small prison where prisoners are kept for a short time
(店主不住在内的)小商店;(不和其他建筑物相连供出租的)车库 a small shop that the owner does not live in; a garage that is usually separate from other buildings and that is rented to sb
If you continue sending keystrokes to the screen, you will encounter terminal lock-up. 如果继续发送击键(键值)到屏幕上,将导致终端锁定。
Under Chinese law, Goldman Sachs's A-shares will be subject to a three-year lock-up. 按照中国的法律,高盛所持的A股将有3年禁售期。
The lock-up period on TPG's remaining 6 per cent stake will not end until June 2010. TPG余下6%股份的锁定期将于2010年6月结束。
Staggered lock-up periods implemented at the time will mostly expire this year and next. 当时错开的禁售期主要将在今明两年期满。
The logic for selling now, as lock-up periods expire, is compelling. 随着锁定期的结束,现在就出售股份的逻辑相当充足。
So is an investor with a short lock-up safe? 那么拥有短期期权锁定的投资者就可高枕无忧了么?
The stake is subject to a one year lock-up period. 这部分股权将有一年的锁定期。
The dynamic simulation is conducted and the process of lock-up and slip are verified. 对液压控制系统进行动态仿真,同时对闭锁、滑差过程进行了试验验证。
Due to execution dependencies, a lock-up in the database could impact the application. 由于执行上的依赖,数据库中的锁定会影响到整个应用。
It drives me crazy, but it's better than lock-up. 我要疯了,还不如关起来。
Use mirror lock-up and a cable release. 使用反光板锁定和快门线。
He said you were a lock-up case. 他说你的档案是封锁的。
City bus; Hydra-mechanical transmission; Lock-up clutch; Electronic control; 城市公共汽车;液力机械变速器;锁止离合器;电子控制;
Foreign stake-holders will be able to sell from October, when the first of the three-year lock-up period expires. 从10月份开始,第一批股份的3年锁定期将要结束,届时外资股东将能够出售这些股份。
NEC had originally promised to hold the shares for at least two years, but Lenovo agreed to release it from this lock-up period six months early. 日本电气最初承诺的持股期限不短于两年,但联想同意提前六个月解除该公司的股权禁售期。
Equipped with a protection device, such as protector, fast valve, automatic lock-up and so on. 有可靠的安全保护装置,如保护罩、快关阀、自动闭锁珠等;
The looming expiries this week of lock-up periods for a large volume of shares also unsettled investors. 大量股票的锁定期即将于本周届满,这也使投资者感到不安。
Let him spend a few weeks in lock-up. 让他在监狱里呆上几星期。
Lock-up, Transfer Costs and Network Externality Under the Network Economy 网络经济下的锁定、转移成本与网络外部性
AIG said it would try to sell the securities after an unspecified lock-up period expired. aig表示,经过一段未指明的锁定期后,它将设法出售上述证券。
In recent months, companies such as Bank of America, UBS and Royal Bank of Scotland have sold down all or part of their stakes in China's largest state-owned banks immediately after three-year lock-up periods expired. 最近几个月,在3年锁定期到期后,美国银行(BoA)、瑞银(UBS)和苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)等机构纷纷立即出售了所持中国大型国有银行的全部或部分股份。
More illiquid hedge fund investments will demand longer lock-up periods. 流动性较差的对冲基金投资,将要求更长的封闭期。
Or you can spend some time down in lock-up. 还是你喜欢被锁上一段时间。
Managing the volatility of flows once investors move beyond the initial lock-up period will present its own challenges. 一旦在最初的封闭期过后,管理资金波动性本身就将带来挑战。
After a brief lock-up period, investors in such funds can redeem their investments on a quarterly basis; thus a bank-like run on hedge funds is highly possible. 经过短暂的锁定期后,这些对冲基金的投资者可以按季度赎回投资,因此,类似于银行的挤兑发生在对冲基金身上是很有可能的。
Investors agreed to a lock-up of their funds until this year. 投资者同意将其资金锁定到今年。
The printing part adopts hanging plate roller, which could shorten the time of plate lock-up. 印刷部采用挂版式版辊,可缩短装版时间。
A year on, however, a lock-up ended and the local government and the mining company informed them that their shares had finally become publicly tradeable in Shanghai, which had meanwhile undergone a rally. 然而,一年之后,紫金原始股解禁,当地政府和紫金矿业通知村民,他们的股票终于可以在上交所公开交易了,与此同时,上海股市已经历了一轮反弹。