Server Studio employs user profiles to securely store personalized information such as user connections, log-on parameters, data, preferences, system configurations, and more. ServerStudio利用用户配置文件安全地储存个人信息,比如用户连接、登录参数、数据、首选项和系统配置等。
The desktop client also supports single sign-on, which minimizes log-on prompts. 桌面客户机还支持单点登录,这会将登录提示出现的次数降到最低。
Manual editing of the/ etc/ fstab file is required to have the auto-mount of shares done at log-on time. 要想在登录时自动地挂载共享文件夹,需要手工编辑/etc/fstab文件。
Passers-by may also log-on to Foursquare to find out if a particular restaurant or bar is popular. 游客们也可以登陆Foursquare来看看某餐厅或酒吧的受欢迎程度。
The company denied those of its customers who also have the 360 software on their computers the log-on for certain QQ services. 该公司不让那些在自己的计算机上安装了360软件的顾客登入某些qq服务。
It can also recover the passwords stored in Credentials file of external drive, as long as you know the last log-on password. 它也可以恢复证书的外部驱动器在文件中存储的密码,只要你知道最后登录密码。
One way is what is called two-channel authentication, using something other than the computer-most likely a cellphone-as part of the log-on procedure. 一种方法是所谓的双通道验证,使用的不是电脑-最有可能是手机-作为登录程序。
Does the system "lock-out" a user after a certain number of unsuccessful log-on attempts? 系统是否会在几次密码输入错误的登入后锁定使用者?
To speed log-on, can I have my User ID and password stored so I don ′ t have to remember them each time I log on? 为了加快登录,我可以存储用户标识和密码,以便在每次登录时无须记住它们吗?
The solution should focus on the equipment of the network center. VLAN technology takes great effect in solving unauthorized log-on, distributing network resource reasonably, balancing net burthen, reducing network broadcast information. 解决的问题只能放在网络中心的设备上,VLAN技术在解决未授权上网、合理分配网络资源、均衡网络负荷、有效降低网络广播信息中发挥了很大的作用。
Search of 1-wire Element Log-on Code 1-wire器件的注册码搜索
The key modules for the systemis user log-on, question maintenance, test management, online testing, auto-auditing, score checking and tester management. 对整个系统的主要模块:用户登录、题库维护、试卷管理、在线考试、自动阅卷、成绩查询、考生管理等进行了详细设计,并给出实现算法。
Functions it could realize include: server network parameter setting, new client registration, client log-on, online exchanges for clients in the office and file transmission. 在系统实现的功能有:服务器网络参数设置、新用户的注册、用户登录、用户间的在线交流办公通信以及文件传输等。