The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales. 伐木工人说由于木材销量下降,他们的工作恐不复存在。
They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives 他们说伐木工人正在毁坏雨林,践踏土著居民的权利。
The loggers told Lu that they caught her after realising that someone had sneaked up and taken their lunch. 那些伐木工人对KsorLulong表示,他们是在意识到有人一直躲在旁边并乘机偷走他们的午餐后才将其女儿“抓获”的。
From a reference to this bean, clients can obtain the names of all of the loggers that have been registered with the platform and their relationships with one another. 使用对这个bean的引用,客户可以获得在平台上注册的所有日志程序的名称和它们彼此之间的关系。
Using keystroke loggers, Trojans, and other malware, attackers can not only easily compromise the web administrator's login credentials, but they also have the ability to insert malicious code into the files that are served up to people visiting the site. 利用按键记录器、木马和其他恶意软件,攻击者不仅能够轻松入侵Web管理员的登录凭据,还能在提供给网站访问者的文件中插入恶意代码。
The first line defines the loggers that are attached to the root logger. 第一行定义了连接到根日志记录器的日志记录器。
Logging ( rulesets/ logging-java. xml)& Searches for dodgy uses of java. util. logging. Logger, including nonfinal, nonstatic loggers, and more than one logger in a class. 日志(rulesets/logging-java.xml)&查找java.util.logging.Logger的不当使用,包括非终状态(nonfinal)、非静态的记录器,以及在一个类中有多个记录器。
Runtime verbosity control: The verbosity level of log4j loggers and appenders can be configured at start time and then modified at run time. 运行时冗长控制:log4j记录程序和附加程序的冗长等级可以在系统启动时配置,并随后在运行时修改。
All the other loggers can inherit from the root and use this appender. 其他记录器都是从这个根记录器继承而来,都将使用这个appender。
Brazil also said that it would restore forests cut down by loggers, ranchers and farmers. 巴西也表示,将恢复被伐木者、牧场主和农场主砍伐掉的森林。
These anonymous Loggers are not registered in the global namespace and their methods are not access-checked, allowing even untrusted code to change their logging control settings. 这些匿名Logger不属于命名空间,他们的各种方法不包含权限检查,不受信的代码可以修改它们的控制信息。
Loggers are normally named entities, using dot-separated names such as "java. awt". Logger是一种命名实体,采用点号隔开的字符串作为名称,比如“java.awt”。
Loggers discovered the region's mother lode of timber in the1960s and began cutting, especially old-growth pine. 伐木工于1960年代发现了这个地区的原始森林,而后开始砍伐,特别是这里古老的松树。
Some companies actually sell keyboards with built-in keystroke loggers, which means there's no way to visually detect them. 一些公司实际上销售带内置击键记录者的键盘,这意味者实际上公司一些无法从外观上检测他们。
Generally, these are items like loggers or database calls. 一般来说,这是一些像日志记录器或数据库调用一样的条目。
The rain that accompanies this wind. Sequoias survived the loggers, but they still have to brave the elements. 红杉虽然逃过了伐木工人的威胁,但还得勇敢面对大自然的风风雨雨。
Use your existing Watermark Sensor with WatchDog Weather Stations and Data Loggers. 水迹适配器利用现有的水印传感器与气象监视器和数据采集器一起使用。
Command line options allow you to set properties, execute specific targets, and specify loggers. 命令行选项允许您设置属性,执行特定的目标以及指定记录器。
Asner says that the small roads loggers create give farmers access to new areas of forest to clear. Asner说,伐木者建立的小路让农民可以进入新的森林区域并把该区域的树木完全砍伐掉。
Why, untold thousands of persons had a hand in every cup of coffee the loggers drink! 哎呀,忘了说了,在伐木工喝的每杯咖啡背后,也有成千上万的人的劳作!
The value of meat from elephants, apes and other animals has also risen as loggers and miners move deeper into the country's forests. 此外,随着伐木工和矿工们不断深入这个国家的森林,大象、猩猩和其他一些动物的食用价值也变得越来越高。
Before the nationwide logging ban, loggers were reluctant to acknowledge that the forests they worked in were home to pandas, as to do so would have endangered their livelihoods. 在全国范围的林木砍伐禁令颁布前,伐木者不愿承认自己作业的森林是大熊猫的故乡,因为这么做将危及他们的生计。
Loggers also deal with severe environmental conditions such as inclement weather and severe heat or cold. 伐木者还需要在严酷的环境条件下工作,例如险恶的天气,严寒和酷暑。
Rainforests are cut down by loggers who want to sell valuable hardwoods. 雨林被那些为了贩卖有价值的硬木的伐木者砍倒。
Farmers and loggers have cleared many of the trees, and hunters have eliminated many mammals, like elephants and buffalo. 农民和樵夫已经砍伐了大量的树木,猎人也消灭了许多的哺乳动物,例如大象和水牛。
Clashing interests of loggers and conservationists; clashing colors. 伐木工与爱护自然者之间相互矛盾的利益;有冲突的颜色。
Environmental groups say loggers are destroying forests. 环保组织说伐木工人正在毁灭森林。
Loggers are organized in a hierarchical namespace and child Loggers may inherit some logging properties from their parents in the namespace. 所有的Logger对象通过一个具有继承关系的命名空间结构进行管理,命名空间中的子Logger可以从其父Logger中继承日志记录属性。
While there's no available software to detect hardware keystroke loggers, you can take steps to defend your systems. 尽管不存在检测硬件击键记录者的软件,你可以采取以下硬件软件可以步骤来保卫系统。
Electronic data loggers monitoring plant and control system 电子数据记录器监视装置与控制系统