Data savvy organizations understand information gaps and how experimentation can break these kinds of logjams. 具有数据头脑的公司知道信息差的存在,知道如何通过实验打破此类僵局。
Following years of negotiations, momentum was building towards a final agreement on the TPP, he said, and leaders needed to help break some of the remaining logjams. 奥巴马表示,经过多年谈判后,TPP达成最终协议的势头日渐累积,各国领导人有必要帮助打破一些余下的僵局。
Barack Obama has urged the leaders of Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim economies to help him overcome the few remaining logjams in the way of creating a vast regional trade bloc. 美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)敦促日本以及其他10个太平洋沿岸经济体的领导人帮助他克服剩余的几个阻碍创建庞大区域性贸易集团的僵局。