On a busy system, this file is quite large, as it contains one login and one logout record. 在一个繁忙的系统中,这个文件是相当大的,因为对于每次登录,它都包含一条登录和一条注销记录。
The test modules include Login, Create order, and Logout tests. 测试模块包含了Login,Createorder以及Logout测试。
Handlers perform the actual logout process; I have configured only one handler because it is enough to invalidate the HTTP session. 处理程序执行实际的注销过程;我在这里只配置了一个处理程序,因为只需一个处理程序就可以使HTTP会话变为无效。
The logout success URL is used to redirect the client after the logout process is complete. 注销成功URL用来在注销过程完成后重定向客户机。
If you have already logged in, logout from the application using the Logout link. 如果您已经登录,那么使用Logout链接从应用程序中注销。
The logout message is a destroy message. 消息logout是一条destroy消息。
It identifies the logout request from the URL invoked by the client. 它标识了来自由客户机所调用URL的注销请求。
There is no need to restart the computer or logout and login. 不需要重新启动计算机或退出并重新登录。
The only data returned to the stress programs is the logout page. 返回给压力程序的唯一数据是注销页面。
You do not need to enter the passphrase again until you logout and login again. 直到退出并重新登录为止,都不需要再次输入密码。
You can also provide virtual portal-specific login, error, logout, and self-enrollment "pages". 您也可以提供特定于虚拟门户的逻辑、错误、注销和自注册“页面”。
LPF operates when a logout request comes from a client. 当客户机发来注销请求时,将使用LPF进行处理。
When a Bash login shell exits, it executes~/. bash_logout. 当Bash登录Shell退出时,它将执行~/.bashlogout。
You can see that LPF takes two parameters in its constructor: the logout success URL (/ logoutSuccess. jsp) and a list of handlers. 可以看到LPF在其构造方法中包含两个参数:注销成功URL(/logoutSuccess.jsp)和处理程序列表。
WebSphere Application Server authentication session information is destroyed by directing the user to the ibm_security_logout URL. WebSphereApplicationServer身份验证会话信息是通过将用户定向到ibmsecuritylogoutURL销毁的。
You will fix this behavior next by disabling the logout button until the user logs in. 通过禁止登出按钮,你就能修复这个行为,下次再登录时就正常了。
It is useful to add the logout page to your bookmarks. 将登出页面添加到你的书签。
If you are logged in, you will need to logout first to do this. 如果你登陆帐号,要做到这点,你需要注销退出。
It handles the login and logout procedures on your system. 它用于处理你系统的登陆和登陆过程。
To logout, go to the logout page and click on the Logout button. 要登出,转到登出页面并点击登出按钮。
To Logout, please select "Logout" under "File" in the system menu. 请选择系统功能表档案下的登出选项。
For ex – Login, Logout could be application specific keyword that can be used. 例如“登录”、“退出”是可以被使用的仅局限于某系统的关键字。
However, you need to logout first and go to the login page to check it out. 然而,你需要注销首先到登录页面来检查了。