My husband is extremely long-sighted while I am very short-sighted. 我丈夫深度远视,而我则严重近视。
From a long-sighted prudence, he observes the maxim of the ancient sage, that we should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend. 他从有远见的审慎的观点出发,遵守古代圣贤的座右铭:我们应该这样对待我们的敌人,好像他终有一天会成为我们的朋友。
Long-sighted children with a squint need to be monitored carefully to avoid a lazy eye developing. 长期的弱视儿童与斜视需要仔细监测,以避免弱视的发展。
The lenses become more convex or concave, depending on whether the wearer is long-sighted or short-sighted. 镜片可以根据佩带者的近视或远视情况变得更凸出或凹陷。
But Ellen took a more tolerant and long-sighted view of the matter. 但是爱伦对问题看得更宽容,更远。
Left untreated, young children who are long-sighted may eventually lose vision in one eye. 左未处理,幼童谁是长期的眼光,最终可能失去高瞻远瞩,在一只眼睛。
If you suspect your child may be long-sighted, it is important to get treatment as soon as possible to prevent them developing crossed eyes. 如果您怀疑您的孩子可能是长期的眼光,这是很重要的,以获得治疗尽快以防止他们发展越过眼睛是雪亮的。
If you are both short-sighted and long-sighted, you need bifocal spectacles or contact lenses. 如果你既是近视又是远视,你就需戴双光眼镜或隐形眼镜。
If you are diagnosed as long-sighted, it is likely that your optician will prescribe glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision. 如果您是诊断为长远的眼光,它可能是您的配镜处方,将眼镜或隐形眼镜,以纠正您的愿景。
She's long-sighted and needs glasses to read. 她是远视眼,看书要戴眼镜。