(与打字或速记相对的)普通书写 If you write something down in longhand, you write it by hand using complete words and normal letters rather than typing it or using shortened forms or special symbols.
I write everything in longhand on yellow tablets while sitting on the sofa with my four kids eating pizza and watching TV. 所有的东西我都是坐在沙发上与四个孩子一边吃比萨饼一边看电视时,速记在黄色的笔记簿上的。
He rose early and wrote, in longhand on the right-hand page of large blocks, later correcting on the left-hand page. 他早起先在右手页的大格子里执笔写作,过一会儿在左手页上进行修改。
He wrote his first and second drafts in longhand, in pencil. 他先用铅笔写下第一、第二甚至第三稿,最后用打字机完稿。
Of course, we're all coders, so who wants to mess with the longhand version? 当然作为编码人员,我们都不愿意跟这种“加长”版搅在一起。
You could write out a poem she likes, or make one up, and write it out for her in longhand-remember, that thing we did before typing-and then stick it in the same frame. 你可以朗诵她喜欢的一首诗,或者自己作诗也可以,然后手写出来记住,我们能够电脑打字之前就是这样做的然后粘贴在同一个镜框中。
His process, honed early in his career as a TV writer in the 1970s and '80s, begins with a longhand outline. 他的工作方式是先手写一份大纲&这是他在事业生涯早期,也就是20世纪70到80年代期间担任电视剧编剧时形成的。
I prefer organized, efficient, longhand note taking. 我更喜欢有条理的、高效的、普通写法的笔记。
For those of you using Dreamweaver, like myself, you'll find that it likes to use longhand code. 对于那些你使用Dreamweaver,就像我一样,你会发现它喜欢用草书代码。
I have to translate these shorthand notes into longhand. 我得将这些速记的笔记译成普通文字。
A clearly written style of longhand with large round curves. 一种用大的圆曲线书写的普通书写的清晰的形式。
Harry is one of the old school and still writes all his business letters in longhand. 哈里这个人非常守旧,至今仍然用普通写法写所有的公函。
Sophie quickly found some paper and copied it down longhand. 索菲很快找了一张纸条,用速记法把它抄了下来。
The judge had to write all the evidence down in longhand. 法官不得不亲笔记下所有证言。
She wrote it all out in longhand before typing it. 在打出来之前,她先起草了手写底稿。
The magistrate had to write all the evidence down in longhand. 执法官不得不亲笔记下了全部证词。
How am I gonna write it, in longhand? 我怎么写,手写?
The minister scratched out the statement himself in longhand. 部长亲笔草拟了那个声明。