(用发行彩票为政府、慈善机构等集资的)抽彩给奖法 a way of raising money for a government, charity, etc. by selling tickets that have different numbers on them that people have chosen. Numbers are then chosen by chance and the people who have those numbers on their tickets win prizes.
the national/state lottery 全国的 / 州的彩票抽奖
a lottery ticket 彩票
碰运气的事 a situation whose success or result is based on luck rather than on effort or careful organization
Some people think that marriage is a lottery. 有些人认为婚姻靠的是运气。
N-COUNT (通过发行彩票方式的)抽彩给奖法,博彩 A lottery is a type of gambling game in which people buy numbered tickets. Several numbers are then chosen, and the people who have those numbers on their tickets win a prize.
...the national lottery. 国家博彩
N-SING 听天由命的事;全凭运气的事 If you describe something as a lottery, you mean that what happens depends entirely on luck or chance.
The stockmarket is a lottery... 股市买卖全看运气。
Which judges are assigned to a case is always a bit of a lottery. 一个案子安排哪些法官来审理,往往有点看运气。