They ate and drank and lounged in the shade 他们在阴凉处吃吃喝喝懒懒地闲坐着。
With a pipe in his mouth, he lounged on the sofa, admiring the smoke rings he was blowing. 他躺在沙发上,口含烟斗,欣赏着自己吐出来的烟圈。
Did you reveal what cheesy movie you watched as you lounged on the couch in full-bellied bliss? 是不是还公布了自己吃饱喝足之后,躺在沙发上看的是什么电影?
Such a place was the Grotto, where Brissenden and he lounged in capacious leather chairs and drank Scotch and soda. “洞窟酒吧”就是这样一个地方,布里森登和他此刻就躺在“洞窟”的大皮椅上喝着威士忌苏打。
These young men always lounged about in this street, doing nothing. 这些小伙子们总是在这条街上闲逛,什么事也不做。
Laura lounged in the hammock. 劳拉懒洋洋地躺在吊床里。
She lounged on the rug. 她懒洋洋地躺在小地毯上。
Then we lounged through many and many a sumptuous private mansion. 后来我们又在不少金碧辉煌的私人府邸中闲逛。
They lounged away the day playing cards. 他们玩玩牌打发了这一天。
An armed military guard was stationed there to defend against terrorist attack, though he often lounged near the doorway and ignored incoming researchers. 在那,有一名荷枪实弹的军队卫兵驻扎,防止恐怖袭击。不过,他经常在靠近门口过道的地方随便溜达,对进来的研究员视而不见。
So saying, he lounged to the fire, and sat down. 说着,他就磨磨蹭蹭到炉火边,坐下来了。
He lounged back in his swivel chair and the setting sun played on his face. 他躺回到转椅上,夕阳荡漾在他的脸上。
He lounged away the time. 他懒散地虚度光阴。
The young youths lounged in the south mouth of the cave for one month. 无经验的青年们在南洞口闲荡了一个月。
In what stables champed these sleek, nervous horses and rested the gorgeous carriages? Where lounged the richly groomed footmen? 什么样的马厩喂养着这些漂亮机灵的马儿,停放着这些豪华的马车?那些衣着华丽的下人在哪里闲逛?
Several people are lounged around. 有几个人正在那里闲荡。
He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt. 他懒洋洋地躺在扶手椅里,故意摆出一种轻蔑的架势。
They had lounged away in a poverty-stricken, purposeless, accidental manner, quite natural and unimpeachable. 人们都走开了。他们穷,行动都很偶然没有目的。这很自然,也无懈可击。
All men, they lounged against the counter, chain-smoking. 所有的男人都懒洋洋地靠着柜台,连续不断地抽烟。
Actors playing mermaids and Greek warriors lounged around in costumes little better than those at a Halloween party. 演员扮演的美人鱼和希腊勇士懒洋洋围绕服装的小党比在万圣节的好。
Spruance lounged outside, elbows on the bulwark. 斯普鲁恩斯在外边闲望,胳膊肘搁在舷樯上。
E.g.: He lounged about the house, doing nothing but getting in our way while we were working. 我们工作时,他什么也不干,在屋子里乱转,碍手碍脚的。