The majority of working women are in low-paid jobs. 大部分工作女性处于低薪的岗位。
The number of under-sixteens in low-paid jobs is increasing. 16岁以下从事低收入工作的人数正在增加。
It's a straight choice between low-paid jobs and no jobs 只有两个选择:要么是报酬很低的工作,要么就是失业。
They say things like, 'How can you buy a house, you're not even married yet?' It's because a lot of my friends are struggling with unemployment or low-paid internships after graduation. 他们说:婚都没结,怎么能买房呢?这是因为我的很多朋友在毕业过后都遇到了失业和低薪实习的麻烦。
It must focus on turning low-skilled, low-paid service jobs into family-supporting jobs by tapping workers 'knowledge and skills. 它必须致力于将低技能、低报酬的服务型工作,转变为足以养家的工作,充分利用工人的知识和技能。
With the recession of the 1990s, many Japanese companies departed from the tradition of lifetime employment and went through massive layoffs, replacing costly full-time workers with low-paid temporary workers who have no benefits or job security. 由于20世纪90年代日本的经济衰退,日本的很多公司背离了传统的终身雇佣制,开始了大幅裁员,以低工资的、没有福利或劳保的临时工代替成本高的全职工人。
Both sides have identified low-paid and no-pay working class voters as the important swing voters. 双方都将低薪和无薪阶层选民视为重要的摇摆选民。
The real villains are the companies that get their products made by low-paid workers. 问题的真正起因是那些雇用低工资的工人生产其产品的公司。
The organization aims to help low-paid workers. 这个组织致力于帮助低收入工人。
In addition, remittances can create economic dependency and reduce the willingness of poor communities to do low-paid manual work, especially among younger people. 另外,汇款可以形成经济依赖性,并减少贫穷群体(特别是年轻人)从事低薪体力劳动的意愿。
But, in practice, millions of illegal migrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus work in low-paid jobs. 但实际上,数以百万计的非法移民正从中亚和高加索地区涌来,从事各种低收入的工作。
Migrant workers in cities often end up with undesirable and low-paid jobs, such as housekeeping and street cleaning. 农民工在城市往往只能干一些不尽人意的低收入工作,比如保姆或是道路清洁工。
He works as a helper on building sites doing casual, low-paid labour. 他在建筑工地做帮工,只是一个临时的报酬低廉的劳动工。
The sharpest recent growth in UK self-employment has emerged not among low-paid contract workers but senior managers and directors. 英国自由职业者中,近期数量增长最快的并不是薪资较低的合同工,而是高级的经理和总监。
Many are low-paid workers, such as delivery drivers or warehouse stackers. 许多自由职业者薪资较低,比如送货司机和库房堆垛工。
At least, it will do away with boring low-paid factory jobs. 至少,它能让人摆脱那些无聊、收入又低的工作。
The government should abolish income tax for the low-paid. 政府应该取消低收入者的所得税。
Some students accept low-paid positions just because they want to stay in big cities. 也有的学生接受低工资工作,是为了能够留在大城市。
In terms of wage growth the labour market may even have fallen back since the last recession, a trend that some economists fear could increase in-work poverty for low-paid workers as food and energy costs continue to rise. 从工资增长看,美国劳动力市场甚至出现自上一次经济衰退以来的下滑,一些经济学家担心,随着食品与能源价格持续上涨,这一趋势可能会加剧低薪工人的在岗贫困情况。
They are all in low-paid, unskilled jobs. 他们都是做报酬低亦不需专门技能的工作的。
Roberto Cenni, the new mayor who is also a textile and clothing entrepreneur, denounces the slave-like conditions endured by low-paid Chinese workers. 普拉托新任市长罗贝尔托切尼(RobertoCenni)也是一位纺织服装企业家,他对低收入中国劳工所忍受的奴隶般的生活环境进行了公开谴责。
The alternative of a low-paid part-time position is not always an attractive option. 收入较低的兼职工作并非总是一种吸引人的选择。
He said that the proposed tax increases would not affect low-paid workers. 他说建议中的增税不会影响低收入工人。
In the game Make a Living, everyone has a low-paid job. 在「揾食风云」这个棋盘游戏内,每个人都有一份低收入工作。
From the south, those public-sector workers feel more like victims, whose low-paid jobs are just compensation for past ills. 对南方的人来说,那些在公共部门工作者感觉更象受害者,因为他们微薄的报酬仅是对过去所受伤害的补偿。
Between 1993 and 2006, the proportion of jobs with middling pay fell, while high-and low-paid employment rose. 1993年至2006年期间,中等工资水平的工作所占的比例下降,而高薪和低薪工作的占比都上升了。
Workers are forced into low-paid, insecure jobs. 工人被逼接受收入低、安全性差的工作。
While Hong Kong remains open to foreigners, the foreign presence-excluding low-paid domestic servants from Southeast Asia-has declined. 香港仍然对外国人开放,但外国的存在(除了来自东南亚的低工资家佣)在减少。