He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious. 有些段落他演奏得异常徐缓,听上去有些忧伤。
Why are you looking so lugubrious? 为什么你看上去这么忧郁?
An excessive emotion was required to wring from him, once or twice a year, that lugubrious laugh of the convict, which is like the echo of the laugh of a demon. 必得有一种外来的刺激才能使他发出一种象是魔鬼笑声的回音的苦笑,那也是一年难得一两次的事。
Cosette was meditating sadly; for, although she was only eight years old, she had already suffered so much that she reflected with the lugubrious air of an old woman. 珂赛特很发愁,因为,虽然她还只有八岁,但已受过那么多的苦,所以当她发愁时那副苦相已象个老太婆了。
Those four lugubrious walls had their moment of dazzling brilliancy. 那四道死气沉沉的墙也有了它们片时的欢畅。
Henry James Senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to be ambitions but unworldly. 老亨利?詹姆斯要孩子们严肃而不阴郁,志高而不入俗。
He had a long lugubrious face with drooping jowls and soft pouches beneath the eyes. 他长着一张长脸,尖下巴,稀松的眼袋挂在眼睛下面,面容狰狞。
She speaks in a slow, lugubrious manner. 她说话缓慢且带悲伤神色。
James was in lugubrious mood. 詹姆士的兴致很颓唐。
He always has such a lugubrious look on his face. 他脸上总带着阴郁的神色。
This music is rather lugubrious. 这首乐曲相当悲伤。
Their capped heads were seen uncovering one after the other, in the gloom, at the lugubrious question addressed to them by the president in a low voice. 院长低声征求他们意见时,人们看见他们在黑暗里一一脱帽。
These things are charming when one is joyous, and lugubrious when one is sad. 那些东西,在快乐的人听来非常悦耳,但伤心人却感到无限苍凉。