ADJ-GRADED (暴力、性爱等)耸人听闻的,触目惊心的,骇人的 If you say that something is lurid, you are critical of it because it involves a lot of violence, sex, or shocking detail.
...lurid accounts of Claire's sexual exploits... 有关克莱尔的性生活史露骨的描述
Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations. 一些报道含有对死状和肢解的令人毛骨悚然的描述。
ADJ-GRADED 妖冶的;俗丽的;浓艳的 If you describe something as lurid, you do not like it because it is very brightly coloured.
She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange. 她精心地把脚指甲涂成妖艳的红色或橙色。
Think of Oliver Twist. Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt portrayed his poverty-stricken childhood vividly but never luridly. 狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》和弗兰克·麦考特的《安杰拉的灰烬》都绘声绘色地描绘了赤贫的童年,但还不让人感觉耸人听闻。
It was night, and the white faces and the scarlet banners were luridly floodlit. 时间是在夜里,人们的苍白的脸和鲜红的旗帜都沐浴在强烈的泛光灯灯光里。
It was luridly described in the book as the place where mystics took refuge. 这本书描述了一个可怕的神秘主义者避难的地方。