Around every corner lurked doubt and uncertainty. 每个角落都暗藏着疑虑和不安。
But always it lurked, hauntingly, in the back of my mind. 但它总是潜伏着,时常浮现,出现在我意识中。
He fled to his stateroom, where he lurked until the steamer was clear of the dock. 他逃回了他的豪华舱位,躲在那儿,直到轮船驶出了码头。
On his left he had the field of battle. Death lurked round the corner of that wall. 他左边是战场,死亡就在这墙角的后面。
One evening, the bad guy lurked in the vicinity of the girl's garden and waited. 一天晚上,坏蛋埋伏在姑娘花园的附近并伺机行动。
After this disclosure Tess nourished no further foolish thought that there lurked any grave and deliberate import in Clare's attentions to her. 在这段新闻透露出来以后,苔丝也就断了痴心妄想的念头,不再以为克莱尔对她的殷勤含有什么严肃郑重的意义了。
They little guessed what deadly purport lurked in those self-condemning words. 他们绝少去猜疑,在他那番自我谴责的言辞中潜藏着多么殊死的涵义。
Phases of her childhood lurked in her aspect still. 她的童年的各个阶段的特征,现在仍然还留在她的身上。
You couldn't tell what dark thoughts lurked behind their wide-set eyes. 你说不上,在他们那双相距很远的眼睛后面究竟隐藏着什么见不得人的念头。
It's long been suspected that genes lurked behind cancer. 长期以来人们就猜测基因是癌症的幕后操纵者。
A half-civilized ferocity lurked yet in the depressed brows and eyes full of black fire, but it was subdued; 一种半开化的野性还潜伏在那凹下的眉毛和那充满了黑黑的火焰的眼睛里,但是已经被克制住了。
They wondered what else lurked behind his official statement. 他们想知道他的正式声明背后还有什么文章。
Treachery lurked behind his smooth manners. 他圆滑姿态的后面潜伏着奸计。
In the cave lurked a horrid serpent with a crested head and scales glittering like gold. 洞穴里盘踞着一条恶蛇,它的头冠和身上的鳞片象金子似地熠熠发光。
Good humour gleamed in his eyes and lurked in the corners of his mouth. 一种幽默感在他的眼中隐约地闪现,也潜伏在嘴角上。
The murderer lurked behind the trees. 谋杀者埋伏在树后面。
He looked quite confident about the job, thought some doubts lurked in the depth of his mind. 他看上去对工作很有信心,但是在他的思想深处却潜藏着几分疑虑。
He asked himself yearningly, wondered secretly and sorely, if it would have lurked here or there. 她急切地问自己,一面又暗暗伤心地思索着,它会不会就藏匿在附近。
A small doubt lurked in the back of her mind. 她心中潜藏着一丝怀疑。
Lily had picked up a fallen flower from the bush behind which Snape lurked. 莉莉从斯内普藏身的灌木丛里捡起一朵枯落的花。
Beneath that veneer of respectability there lurked a cunning and unscrupulous criminal. 在他可尊敬的表象下,潜伏著一个狡猾又无耻的罪犯。
She lost her fear of his betraying her secret, but there always lurked in the back of her mind the disquieting memory that he had seen her at her worst and knew the truth about Ashley. 她也不再担心他会泄露她的秘密了,不过在意识深处仍潜藏着一个不安的记忆,即他目睹过她那件最丢人的事,知道她和艾希礼之间的真正关系。
Thugs, pickpockets and prostitutes lurked in the unlit alleys and shadowy streets. 暴徒、小偷和娼妓鬼鬼祟祟地躲在没有灯光的小巷里和灰暗的大街上。
My dear friends, have you lurked today? 亲爱的朋友们,今天,你潜水了么?
John was a nervous man and felt that danger lurked everywhere. 约翰是个神经质的人,老觉得危机四伏。
But danger lurked in the atmosphere. 但是危险就潜藏在四周。
But the presence of death that lurked about him remains in my own memory. 但是围绕在他四周的那些死亡却留在了我本人的忘忆中。
If there ever had lurked any feeling in her heart against him, it deserted her now. 即使在她心中曾经潜藏着什么对他的反感的话,这时也都消失了。
Some uneasiness still lurked in my mind. 我仍然心有余悸;我心中仍潜藏着一种不安之感。
Consuming them, I learned more of humanity, and more of the magic that lurked within their brief lives. 我观察了他们,自认为更多地认识了人性,以及他们短暂生命中潜藏的魔力。