VERB (通常指意图不轨地)潜伏,潜藏,埋伏 If someone lurks somewhere, they wait there secretly so that they cannot be seen, usually because they intend to do something bad.
He thought he saw someone lurking above the chamber during the address. 他觉得自己看见有人在演讲时潜藏在会议厅顶上。
VERB (危险、疑虑、恐惧等)暗藏,潜在 If something such as a danger, doubt, or fear lurks somewhere, it exists but is not obvious or easily recognized.
Hidden dangers lurk in every family saloon car... 每部家庭式双排座小轿车都存在隐患。
Around every corner lurked doubt and uncertainty. 每个角落都暗藏着疑虑和不安。
Behind the smiling eyes lurks the evil that led her to murder the two babies in her care. 她笑里藏刀,杀害了她照顾的两个宝宝。
Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease. 嘲笑声的背后潜伏着一种越来越强烈的不安。
Good fortune lies within bad; bad fortune lurks within good. 祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。
Sometimes, in the very obscurity of a fact lurks its danger. 而有时,一件事的危险性正在于它的不公开。
Beneath that seemingly cheerful title lurks an ambiguous premise that begins with Mr. Hamm and Rafe Spall as men who find themselves in a cabin for unknown reasons. 欢快的主题之下潜藏着含糊的前提,剧集开始,哈姆与拉菲·斯波(RafeSpall)饰演两个男人,由于未知的原因呆在一个木屋里。
What personal rubbish lurks under the stairs of your basement? 还在什么垃圾存放在你地下室的楼梯间下面?
As Asian economies close the gap on western living standards, an awkward question lurks beneath their seemingly spectacular progress. Can Asians enjoy western standards of living without destroying the planet? 随着亚洲经济体逐渐拉近与西方在生活水平上的差距,在它们取得惊人进步的表面之下,潜藏着一个棘手的问题:亚洲人能否在不破坏地球环境的前提下,享受西方的生活水平?
I know that he lurks here from time to time and he surely will enjoy this post! 我知道他隐藏于此很久了,且他定会喜欢这个帖子的。
Menace lurks everywhere, and every agenda hides an ulterior motive. 危机四伏,每一个议程都有深远的目的。
While we should not take the disgusting utterances of a fading celebrity too serious, behind it all lurks the vicious bias against China by the Western media. 我们不应该用这样令人厌恶的言辞破坏了电影节的气氛。这些都是背后隐藏的一些西方媒体对中国的恶性偏见。
Even if the measure dies an ignoble death like the other bills, the mere proposal reminds China and others of the protectionism that lurks below the surface in the US. 即便该措施像其它法案那样,不光彩地半途夭折,但此类提议本身就足以提醒中国和其它国家,美国的表面下潜藏着保护主义。
But behind it lurks another troubling development: advanced nations fiddling their carbon reduction figures. 但其背后还隐藏着另一个令人不安的事态发展:发达国家篡改了自己的减排数据。
I'll extract wholesome medicines from Mrs Dean's bitter herbs; and firstly, let me beware the fascination that lurks in Catherine Heathcliff's brilliant eyes. 我要从丁太太的苦药草里吸取有益的药品。第一,我要小心那潜藏在凯瑟琳·希刺克厉夫的亮眼睛里的魔力。
For amongst the assembling guests lurks a deadly assassin, set to strike. 在来参加庆典的宾客里潜伏着一个随时发难的刺客。
Elephant Seal Near ShoreOutside looking in, a lone male elephant seal lurks at the edge of a harem. 海滩边的象海豹一头雄性象海豹独自伏在女眷群旁边,向里张望着。
He seems to champion the cause of good, but who knows what shadow lurks within his soul? 他似乎有十分正当的理由,但是有谁知道是不是有阴影在掠夺他的灵魂?
A far more imminent danger lurks in central and Eastern Europe. 一个更迫在眉睫的危险潜伏在中东欧地区。
Danger lurks in that quiet river. 在那条静静的河里潜伏着危险。
It is not hard to see that within this new Net economy, especially with its electronic currency and virtual banks, lurks an imminent danger. 不难预见到,这种新的网络化经济,特别是电子货币和虚拟银行,潜在着极为深刻的危机。
The disembodied Voldemort lurks deep in an Albanian forest, concealing himself from the Aurors still searching for him. 失去实质形体的伏地魔潜伏在阿尔巴尼亚的丛林深处,躲开仍在搜寻他的敖罗。
What hell-spawned thing lurks there? 下面潜藏的是什么鬼东西?
A ferocious sword-wielding robot lurks in the shadows, programmed to guard the pirates'treasure. 一个凶残的手舞利剑的机器人正藏身在黑暗里,奉命守卫着海盗的宝藏。
Behind his cool exterior lurks a reckless and frustrated person. 在冷酷的外表背后,他是一个鲁莽又不得志的人。
Within us lurks the breaker of all laws, ready to spring out at the first real opportunity. 在我们的体内潜伏着打破一切规则的破坏者,他随时准备着在首个真正的机会到来时爆发出来。
And their demigod still lurks in the forest! 而且他们的半神照旧规避在森林里!
The memory of the Wall Street crash still lurks in the minds of bankers. 华尔街股市暴跌的情形依然深埋于银行家的记忆之中。
Angry populism lurks just beneath the surface of two-party politics in America. 愤怒的民粹主义正潜伏在美国两党政治的表层之下。
I see that behind the nobility of his gestures there lurks the specter of the ridiculousness of it all – that he is not only sublime, but absurd. 我从他的高雅手势后看到一个荒谬的幽灵在徘徊&他不仅崇高,而且还荒谬。
The beast lurks within all of us, my child. 这个怪物潜伏在我们当中,我的孩子。
The lesson I learnt from this close shave was that danger lurks in moments of bliss. 那次我得了一个教训:享受安宁那一刻的同时,危险可能也到了!