All of us joined lustily in the chorus. 我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱。
People gathered round their own representative, cheering lustily. 人们簇拥着自己的代表,热烈地欢呼着。
His son cried lustily that night, at all events. 不管怎么样,反正他的儿子那天夜里拼命地大哭。
The eighth class: How can I be lustily enough to sleep with my girl at night if I haven't slept enough? 第八节课:晚上回去要陪女朋友睡,不睡多点哪有力气陪她睡?再睡;
She sounded the Gong lustily. 她用力打一下锣。
China and Pakistan have a lustily growing trade relationship, worth almost$ 9 billion last year. 中国和巴基斯坦有一种稳步发展的贸易关系,且在去年价值将近90亿美元。
They stood waving their union jacks and singing lustily. 他们站在那里,一面挥动着英国国旗,一面大声歌唱。
She held a baby which was crying lustily. 她怀里抱着的婴孩正在拼命地哭。
Groups hung over pianos and voices sang lustily the sad words of "your letter came but came too late" while ragged gallants looked meaningly at girls who laughed from behind turkey-tail fans, begging them not to wait until it was too late. 人们围着钢琴放声歌唱《你的信来了,可是来得太晚了》,衣衫褴褛的勇士深情地注视着那些躲在羽毛扇后面讪笑的姑娘,好像恳求她们不要再等待,免得后悔莫及。
It saves or destroys lustily. Nothing in the world is surer than this. 它可以有力地拯救一个人,也可以轻易地毁掉一个人。世上没有什么比这更确定无疑的事了。
Nasty gags and surprising twists will bring you ultimate fun and lustily laughs once again! 讨厌的插科打诨和令人惊讶的曲折最终会带给你的乐趣和笑声再次响亮!
A lot of a short person also can take exercise very lustily, and some tall men are very skinny however, this is the distinction of operation ability. 有很多矮个子也可以锻炼得非常强壮,而有的高个子却非常瘦弱,这是运营能力的区别。
As if cued by an invisible hand, both twins began crying lustily. 好象受到一只看不见的手的影响,双胞胎开始放声大哭。
I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up. 我不准备写颂歌,那会令人沮丧。可是我要像黎明时分的雄鸡一样,在栖木上引吭高歌,只为唤醒我的邻居。
The young men with whom they talked so passionately and sang so lustily and camped under the trees in such freedom wanted, of course, the love connexion. 那些热情地和她们交谈,欢快地和她们歌唱,自由自在地和她们在林中野宿的男子们,不用说都欲望勃勃地想更进一步。
The baby cried lustily the moment he was born. 这个婴儿出生时哭声响亮。