De Duve was able by 1960 to show that lysosomes were distinct particles, using centrifugation techniques. 德杜弗在1960年以前利用离心技术已能显示溶酶体是特殊的颗粒。
This may be merely due to enzyme in transit to lysosomes after synthesis on rough endoplasmic reticulum. 这或许仅仅是由于那些粗糙型内质网上合成,而将输送到溶酶体的酶所引起。
If the lysosomes cannot provide bits of the bacteria for display on the cell surface, patrolling T cells will not recognize that a cell harbors invaders. 溶小体未能将披衣菌碎片呈现在细胞表面,巡逻的T细胞便不晓得哪个细胞窝藏了入侵者。
Study on Lysosomes Degradation of Ricin A Chain; Isolation and Characterization of Acid-And Pepsin-solubilized Collagens from the Body Wall of Sea Cucumber Stichopus Japonicus 溶酶体参与蓖麻毒素A链降解途径的研究刺参体壁酶促溶和酸促溶性胶原蛋白的提取及性质研究
Both myxoviruses and lysosomes are equipped with enzymes which can degrade glycoproteins. 粘液病毒和溶解体均装配某些能分解糖蛋白的酶。
The results of ultracytochemical studies on Trichomonas vaginalis, T.hominis and Entamoeba histolytica showed that they all had lysosomes and endoplasmic reticula. 本文应用超微结构细胞化学技术研究结果表明:阴道毛滴虫、人毛滴虫和溶组织内阿米巴均有溶酶体和内质网。
Some sialic acid is on the external surface of lysosomes. 有些唾液酸位于溶酶体的外表面。
There were lysosomes and endoplasmic reticulum in endoplasm, but it lacked Golgi body and mitochondria. 虫体有溶酶体与内质网,缺乏高尔基体和线粒体。
Normally the lysosomes may be protecting the cell from the deleterious effects of such metal ions, by sequestering them. 在正常情况下,溶酶体将这些金属离子隔离,保护细胞免受其有害的作用。
The nuclear membrane invaginates and lysosomes are internalized. ( 3) determination of solute concentration in various solutions by NTM; 核膜内陷,于是溶酶体被内在化。(3)各种物质溶液浓度的核孔膜测定;
Bright field transmission electron microscopy of thin sections demonstrated that Ferumoxtran-10 was retained in lysosomes of HMM for several days. 薄切片的亮场透射电镜观察证明,Ferumoxtran-10能在HMM的溶酶体内存在数天。
Within the lysosomes are acid hydrolases; enzymes involved in the degradation of macromolecules, including those internalized by endocytosis. 在溶酶体内是酸性水解酶,专用于降解大分子,包括那些由内吞作用被内化的大分子。
The regulatory and functional similarities between autophagy and lipolysis, along with the capability of lysosomes to degrade lipids, indicated that autophagy may contribute to LD and TG breakdown. 自噬和脂解之间调节和功能的相似性,以及溶酶体具有降低血脂的功能,表明自噬可能有助于脂滴和甘油三酯的降解。
Lysosomes and peroxisomes are often referred to as the garbage disposal system of a cell. 对细胞来说,溶酶体和过氧物酶体是被当成垃圾处置系统而提到的。
The drug suramin, which is used to kill invading trypanosomes, is accumulated in lysosomes. 用杀死侵入的锥虫的药物苏拉明,在溶酶体中积累。
Cytochemical observation by electron microscope on lysosomes of the adrenal cortex cell in mouse 小鼠肾上腺皮质细胞溶酶体细胞化学的电镜观察
Lysosomes are also membrane bound and they contain the enzymes concerned with the breakdown of macromolecules. 溶酶体也为膜所包绕,含有分解某些大分子的酶。
Cytochemistry of lysosomal enzymes and primary lysosomes 溶酶体的酶细胞化学和初级溶酶体
The cellular organelles or microstructures such as Mitochondria, lysosomes, microvilli were changed morphologically. 线粒体、溶酶体、微绒毛等细胞器或细胞微细结构改变。
The lysosomes produced endogenous yolk granules by engulfing and digesting inclusions with various forms; 溶酶体通过吞噬、消化内含物来形成卵黄粒和脂滴,且方式多样;
The enzyme activity was also found in the lysosomes and vacuoles of macrophages and epithelial reticular cells. 巨噬细胞及上皮性网状细胞的溶酶体和囊泡也具有此酶活性。
The amounts of neurosecretory granules, lysosomes, nucleolus-like bodies, and microtubules were increased. 神经分泌颗粒、溶酶体、核仁样体和微管数量增多。
Conclusion: Syt2 expressed in RBL and it played a negative regulation during exocytosis of lysosomes in RBL. 结论:Syt在RBL中表达,其对RBL溶酶体胞吐起负调控作用。
The secondary lysosomes and the small granules are strongly positive to MPO. 次级溶酶体和小颗粒呈MPO强阳性。
Several membranous lysosomes in its epidermal cells caused short of starch grains and abnormality of enzyme system metabolism; 表皮层具膜状溶酶体,引起淀粉粒缺乏和酶系统代谢异常;
The lysosomes of spermatogenic cells were studied by the ultrastructural and cytidine monophophatase ( CMPase) cytochemical methods. 通过超微结构及胞嘧啶单核苷酸酶(cytidinemonophosphatase,CMPase)细胞化学方法研究大鼠精子发生和形成过程中溶酶体的动态变化。
Phagocytic cells 'bodies were large with multi-ecphyma, plenty of cellular organs, lysosomes and phagocytotic vesicles. 吞噬细胞胞体大,多突起,细胞器丰富,富有大量溶酶体颗粒和大量吞噬泡。
Autophagosome is a double-membraned structure that swallows organelles and cytoplasm and fuses with lysosomes to form autolysosome. 自噬体是一种吞入细胞器、细胞质的双层膜结构,它与溶酶体融合形成自噬溶酶体。
They can locate in endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes because of the suitable water-oil amphipathy. 它们因具有合适的水油两亲性可分别定位到内质网和溶酶体。
Lysosomes can digest excess or worn-out organelles, food particles, and engulf viruses or bacteria. 溶酶体能够消化过量或磨损的细胞器、食物粒子,能够吞没病毒或细菌。