At the Scrum Gathering Open Space event in Orlando, Lyssa Adkins, author of the forthcoming Coaching Agile Teams from Addison Wesley, led out with a session on Agile Coaching Circles. 在奥兰多Scrum聚会的开放空间活动上,AddisonWesley出版社即将出版的《CoachingAgileTeams》一书的作者&LyssaAdkins,召集了一个敏捷教练圈(coachingcircles)的会议。
The concept of coaching circles is an interesting one, and Lyssa Adkins is helping to drive adoption of this concept as one of the originators of the idea. 教练圈的概念很有意思,作为这个想法的发起者之一,LyssaAdkins正在帮助推动这一概念的应用。
Lyssa Adkins suggested that the Agile manager is responsible for all the activities happening around the Agile team. LyssaAdkins提出敏捷经理需要对在敏捷团队周围发生的所有活动负责。