Wearing white surcoats with a black cross emblazoned on them, encased in heavy mail or plate armour, wielding lances and large maces, these knights love a good melee. 这些骑士身穿重型链甲或板甲,手持骑枪和大型狼牙棒,极其热衷近身肉搏厮杀。
These men are equipped for close fighting with spears, maces and shields. 这些骑兵装备长矛、狼牙棒和盾牌,近身搏杀极为骁勇,令敌军丧胆。
Humans: Mace Skill now increases the critical strike chance with maces and two-handed maces by 1%. 人类:锤技能特长现在增加锤和双手锤的致命一击率1%。
I'll have two Big Maces and a large fries to go, please. 请给我两个巨无霸(汉堡)和一个大薯条打包。
Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces are now trainable by all Shaman at the appropriate weapon masters. 现在所有萨满都可以在合适的训练师处学习双手锤和双手斧技能。
Although slightly old fashioned, with their lances and maces they are still formidable fighters on the battlefield. 尽管其战术略显陈旧,但手持雪亮骑枪和沉重狼牙棒的瑟普铁骑,仍然是战场上令人生畏的杀戮机器。
Conclusion Both drug eluting stents reduced MACEs and TLR, but the rate of delayed thrombosis, MACEs and TLR was lower in the SES group than in the PES group. 结论两种药物支架的置入降低了患者的MACE发生率,SES组的迟发性血栓事件、MACE发生率均低于PES组。