When we describe interfaces using a well defined machine-readable language, we enable a broad range of tooling capabilities. 当使用定义良好的可由计算机处理的语言描述了接口时,实际上就为各种工具支持功能提供了支持。
Keeping the templates for transforming machine-readable entries is good programming practice, as is separation of concerns in general. 保留模板来转换机器可读条目是一种良好编程实践,正如通常分隔关注问题那样。
The template then applies any applicable downstream templates to deal with machine-readable content in the CDA entry. 然后模板会应用任何适用的下游模板来处理CDA条目中的机器可读内容。
As a result, the meaning of the data and function and the request for services are made explicitly machine-readable and understandable. 因此,数据和函数的意义以及服务请求变得明确地机器可读和可理解。
Although they are intended to be human-readable, CDA documents also contain a wealth of machine-readable information, which can be made more manageable by transformation into an expanded client view. 尽管旨在供人类阅读,但CDA文档中仍然包含了大量的机器可读信息,可以通过将这些信息转换为一个扩展的客户端视图使其易于管理。
On the web, feeds are machine-readable summaries of content, usually arranged in reverse chronological order. 在Web中,订阅源是机器可读的内容概要,通常是按时间倒序排列的。
Together these two standards support describing WS-Security requirements in machine-readable form. 这两者合起来可以以机器可读的方式描述WS-Security需求。
The particular mechanism used in FOAF is the RDF Schema seeAlso property, which can hint of the existence of related machine-readable information. FOAF中使用的特殊机制是RDF模式的seeAlso特性,它可以提示是否存在相关的机器可读取的信息。
The identity in the certificate is also designed to be machine-readable. 该证书中的标识还被设计为计算机可读形式。
This is one of the old issues with XML, that it is used for both data ( machine-readable information) and content ( human-legible text). XML的老问题之一,即同时用于数据(机器可读的信息)和内容(人类易懂的文本)。
They follow standards for machine-readable passports that have been issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO). 它们遵循国际民用航空组织(ICAO)发布的计算机可读护照的标准。
Enter the Semantic Web, which is the vision that the existing Web can be augmented to supplement the content designed for humans with equivalent machine-readable information. 这促进了语义Web的诞生,它是现有Web的增强版本,在为人们设计的内容中增加了足够多的可供机器阅读的信息。
Information about other people is often the most interesting sort of data, and FOAF fulfills the need for decentralized, machine-readable, personal descriptions. 关于其他人的信息常常是最令人感兴趣的一类数据,而且FOAF实现了分散、机器可读和个人描述等需求。
You can format each log, or trace, to be human-readable or machine-readable. 您可以将每个日志或跟踪的格式设为符合人类阅读习惯或者机器可读的格式。
Create machine-readable instructions to execute the optimized SQL. 创建计算机可读指令来执行优化的SQL。
RDF-Schema adds to RDF's ability to encode concepts in a machine-readable way. RDF-Schema补充了RDF的能力,提供了以机器可读的方式编码概念的功能。
We show how to express simple and more complex datasets using RDFa, and in particular how to turn the existing human-visible text and links into machine-readable data without repeating content. 我们将展示如何使用RDFa表达简单的和更为复杂的数据集,特别是在不重复内容的情况下,把现有的人类可见的文本和链接转变成计算机可读的数据。
Can you provide us with text in machine-readable form? 你能提供可机读的文本形式吗?
Again, the format should be machine-readable and-verifiable and easy to produce automatically ( e.g.from a build system). 再次指出,文件格式应该是机器可读并可验证的,同时也应该是容易自动生成的(比如从构建系统生成)。
It is possible to create such software that reads the above machine-readable description to do the following at runtime. 创建这种工具,让其在运行时读取上述机器可读描述以完成如下工作,是可行的。
A machine-readable identification card for identifying an operator at a computer terminal. 一种机器可以阅读的标识卡,用以识别计算机终端上的操作员。
Computer technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in machine-readable files. 计算机技术使将大量资料贮存在可机读的文档成为可能。
Producers of printed indexes to the serial literature are also making information available in a machine-readable form. 期刊文献印刷本索引的编制者也在以机读形式提供情报。
This article discusses an arithmetic which can complete the trilateration network coordinate machine-readable with convenience, efficiency and automation. 根据测边交会计算公式的特点,本文详细论述了一种方便、高效、自动化程度较高的三边网坐标概算的电算算法。
Also note that a completely machine-readable description of a contract for a remote interface is a fallacy. 同样需要注意,为远程接口描述一个完全机器可读的描述契约是一种谬论。
A version will also be available in machine-readable form. 机读版本也将推出。
Such a description is neither complete nor fully machine-readable. 这种描述既不完整,也不是完全机器可读的。
First of all, it does not help any one looking for a formal machine-readable description. 首先,它对任何寻找机器可读正式描述的人并没有任何帮助。
Machine-readable text that is not sequential but is organized so that related items of information are connected. 非连续的但有组织的机器-可读文本因此其相关信息是连接的。
A machine-readable description created by using WSDL or WADL can only describe the structure and syntax, but not semantics. 用WSDL或WADL创建的机器可读描述仅能描述结构和语法,而不能描述语义。