Country music has been was a natural enemy for her: hidebound, slow moving, lousy with machismo. 乡村音乐一直是曾经是她的天敌:它守旧、动作慢、充满大男子主义。
Rambo is commonly seen as aggressive machismo personified. 兰博通常被看作敢作敢为男子气概的象征。
Mr Dimon may need to adapt his management style: a mixture of tough-love machismo, obsession with detail and personal charisma, punctuated by his machine-gun delivery and occasional shouting matches with underlings. 戴蒙或许需要改变他的管理风格:大男子主义式的严爱政策、执迷于细节与个人魅力,再加上机关枪式的说话风格、偶尔会与下属发生的大声争吵。
In fact, it is about more than machismo. 其实,它不仅仅关乎面子。
Power props as machismo goes on display 硬汉表演支撑权力
If anything, President Dmitry Medvedev and his mentor and prime minister, Vladimir Putin, seem to be enjoying the world's impotent indignation in the face of their new-found machismo. 全世界的义愤填膺在他们最近表现出的雄武气概面前都显得苍白无力,反倒是梅德韦杰夫总统和他的蒙导、普京总理似乎很享受这种形势。
I consider bullfighting a sort of ultimate machismo. 我认为斗牛大概是一种男性气概的终极表现。
The upside-down suspension of the dead Mussolini with his mistress in a town square signaled the end of his pretensions to Caesarian heroism and Casanovan machismo. 墨索里尼跟他的情妇尸体倒吊大街上示众,是显示他自命凯撒式的英雄以及貌似潘安的帅哥命运的终结。
Amid the machismo of wartime, mothers on both sides struggle to keep their families and them selves intact in the face of the grief and hatred. 在这个由男人意气主导的战争氛围中,面对悲伤与仇恨的同时,战争双方的母亲们都在竭尽全力维护着她们的家庭和自己的平安。
It is curious to note that Spanish society is very machismo, where the male is domineering, and the bullfight is a very femininistic art representation, appreciated mainly by the male population. 奇妙的是,西班牙是个男性占优越地位、目空一切的社会,而斗牛则是一种主要由男性欣赏、十分女性化的艺术表现。
Eisenhower was the exception, but he was a battlefield general, so his machismo wasn't really in doubt. 艾森豪威尔(Eisenhower)是个例外,但他是战场上的将军,因此他的男子气概实际上并不令人怀疑。
This is no longer about commercial goals, says a senior executive at one leading Asian trading company with extensive sourcing operations in Australia. It is about Chinese machismo. 一家在澳大利亚拥有广泛外包业务的亚洲领先交易企业的一名高管表示:现在问题已经不再是关于商业目标了,而是关乎中国人的面子。
From you told me, he completely lacks machismo. 从你们告诉我的,他完全缺乏男子气概。
Compared with such as these, the savages of New Guinea or the Red Indians are immensely higher in the scale of manhood. One characterized by excessive concern for machismo. 新几内亚野人或印第安人与这种人相比也显得有男子气概得多了。
One characterized by excessive concern for machismo. 男子汉具有极度的男子气概的人。
This machismo reflects a boyish quality in Bailey. 这种大男子气概反映了贝利身上的孩童气质。