Body building — that's a bit macho, isn't it? 健美——挺有男子气概的,不是吗?
This is a real macho ah! 这是真正的男子汉啊。
Who in the world would have thought very macho Julian Schnabel had been influenced by her? 谁能想到那么大男子气的朱利安·施纳贝尔也受她的影响呢?
Former KGB officer Putin, 60, is famed for his macho image and love of outdoor pursuits. 现年60岁的前克格勃官员普京,向来以他的男子汉气概和擅长户外运动而闻名。
One teacher interviewed for the study said that the cultural awareness training she received as part of her continuing education included depictions of Latino boys as aggressive and really macho and of the girls as pure sweetness. 研究中接受采访的一位老师说,她所接受的继续教育中的文化意识培训部分把拉丁美洲男孩描述成好斗的、真正大男子主义的的人,而对女孩子的描述是清纯可人。
You can't fool me with that macho facade. 你的男子汉外形可骗不了我。
I don't like macho behavior nor exaggerated nationalism. I am happy to discover that we are fighting in the same side. 我不喜欢大男子主义,也不喜欢夸张的民族主义;我很高兴发现我们都是一条战壕里的战友。
Birth control pill could put women off macho men. 避孕药可能会使女人对大男人失去性趣。
I thought you was a macho man. a tough guy. 我还以为你是个男子汉,一个悍将。
Or when it's the "lberian macho" who wants nothing to do with you? “伊比利亚猛男”都不要你了怎么办?
But bad news for Bruce Willis and his macho wannabes. 对布鲁斯·威利跟他的效仿者们来说,这可不是什么好消息。
The rituals of the racing world are as macho as all get-out. 赛马业的例行仪式总是充满了好斗的阳刚之气。
Men aren't the only ones who can be macho! 不是只有男人才有大男子气概的!
Because he's not some overpowering, macho guy. 因为他不是一个无法抵抗,大男子主义的人。
You've got quite a macho man on your hands! 要知道,你手中的这个白羊座男生是非常有男子气概的!
A: What type of man appeals to you? 哪种男人最吸引你呢?B:Themachotype.有男子汉气概的男人。
She likes to date macho guys. 她喜欢跟有男子气概的人约会。
He's too macho to ever admit he was wrong. 他太大男子主义了,从不认错。
If your ring finger is bigger than your index finger, you are a real macho man. 如果你的无名指比食指长,你就是一个真男子汉。
All his macho talk just doesn't ring true. 他盛气凌人的话并不是真的。
And an awful lot of them have uh, real macho backgrounds. 他们中间许多人有真正强壮的背景。
Your new sound has been described as "more manly". what's the most macho thing you've done recently? 你的新声音被形容是「更男人」了,你最近做过最有男子气概的事是什么?
E.g I love seeing guys work out at the gym because they look so macho and masculine. 我好喜欢看在健身房运动的男生。他们看起来好健壮,好有肌肉。
The collision of macho astronauts with the obsessive micro-managers of Mission Control sometimes results in farce. 雄雄的宇航员和偏执任务控制中心的“微管理”之间的冲突,可能会成为一出闹剧。
Hugh: If you want to be macho, order a double shot of espresso. 阿修:若你想要有男子气概,就点双份的意大利浓缩咖啡。
It's not a macho thing. it's about equilibrium in your inner ear. 这没什么大碍,是你的内耳膜不平衡。
Doug likes to kid everyone he's the big macho tough guy. 道格喜欢骗大家相信他是具有大男子气概的硬汉。
Truck drivers have a reputation for being macho and tough. 卡车司机素有强壮和吃苦耐劳的美名。