When launched, the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced. 当初上市的时候,麦金塔电脑是所有台式电脑里最小的。
Foxmarks then caused that same new bookmark to appear in Internet Explorer on the same Dell, and in both Firefox and Safari on my Apple Macintosh computer. Foxmarks便在这台戴尔电脑的IE以及我的苹果Mac电脑的火狐和Safari浏览器中也都加了同样的书签。
QuickTime for Java was originally created for the Macintosh platform, but it's been freely available to both Windows and Mac users for several years. QuickTimeforJava最初是为Macintosh平台创建的,但过去这几年时间里,Windows和Mac用户也可以随意使用它。
The downside is that it is a Macintosh-only application. 主要缺点是它是仅适用于Macintosh的应用程序。
My parents bought me a Macintosh in 1984 when I was 8 years old. 我的父母亲在1984年,我8岁时给我买了一台麦金塔计算机。
He borrowed the characteristic features of the Macintosh the mouse and the icons on the screen from the engineers at Xerox PARC, after his famous visit there, in1979. 乔布斯在1979年那次著名的拜访后,从施乐PARC的工程师那里借来了Macintosh典型的特性&屏幕上的鼠标和图标。
I even successfully ran it on an Apple Macintosh laptop. 我甚至成功地在一部苹果Macintosh笔记本电脑上运行了Windows7。
But one Apple product line seems eternally young: Macintosh computers. 但有一个苹果的产品线似乎永远年轻:Mac电脑。
He attributes the original Macintosh's beautiful typefaces ( to which Windows copied) to this exact class. 他设计了苹果机美妙的原始字体(后被微软抄袭),并将其归功于这个美术字班。
Macintosh users are accustomed to using Software Update in System Preferences to upgrade the operating system and system software. Macintosh用户习惯使用系统偏好设置中软件更新来升级操作系统和系统软件。
Do you want an IBM-compatible PC or a Macintosh? 您想要一台能和IBM兼容的个人计算机还是麦金塔计算机呢?
But I also received many others that raised the notion of the Macintosh much more felicitously. 不过我也收到了许多以更巧妙得体的方式弘扬苹果电脑理念的来信。
An example of this is the Macintosh computer itself. 苹果电脑本身就是这样的一个例子。
This part of Apple Human Interface Guidelines presents the philosophy and psychology behind the Macintosh interface. 《苹果人机界面指南》的这一部分将介绍蕴藏在苹果系统界面背后的哲学和心理学。
CPU Speed Menu can be used on all Macintosh computers which support variable processing speeds. CPU的速度可以用菜单所有麦金塔电脑,支持可变加工速度。
Both Windows and Macintosh systems are based on Graphical User Interface or GUI, which simply means that the interface uses graphics or pictures to help the user navigate and access programs. Windows和Macintosh系统是基于图形用户界面或图形用户界面,它只是意味着,使用图形界面或图片,以帮助用户浏览和使用程序。
When designing applications to run on the UNIX or Macintosh platforms, you can save project files in platform-appropriate document formats. 设计要在unix或macintosh平台上运行的应用程序时,可以采用适合于相应平台的文档格式保存项目文件。
Enhance Macintosh recognition in Beijing; enrich Macintosh knowledge and incentives. 提高在北京的苹果知识和素质,努力增加对苹果电脑的知识和意识。
If you transfer a text file in binary mode from a UNIX system to an MS-DOS or Macintosh system, this file should have been copied in ASCII mode. 如果你把一个文本文件以二进制模式从一个UNIX系统传送给一个MS-DOS或Macintosh系统,此文件拷贝成ASCII模式。
The Apple Macintosh appeared in 1984, bringing icons and the mouse to a mass audience. 苹果的Macintosh电脑于1984年问世,将图标和鼠标带到广大用户面前。
Its GUI became the Basis of Apple's extremely successful Macintosh ( 1984). 这套界面成为麦金塔(1984)的基础,苹果计算机极为成功的产品。
In Excel on the macintosh, click open on the file menu. 在macintosh的excel中,单击“文件”菜单上的“打开”。
Apple's Macintosh ( 1984) was particularly useful for desktop publishing. 苹果计算机公司推出的麦金塔计算机(1984)对桌上排版尤其有用。
To get stuff to your very own PC or Macintosh, you have to download it. 要想把材料传送到自己的PC或Macintosh机上,你应当下载它。
The Macintosh's GUI style was widely adapted by other manufacturers of personal computers and PC software. 麦金塔的图形使用者界面风格广为其它个人计算机及软件制造商加以改写。
Macintosh ( 1984)-With a revolutionary graphical interface and mouse, the Macintosh immediately stood out as easier to use than the command-based IBM personal computer. 麦金塔电脑革命性地采用了图形界面和鼠标操控,与基于指令的IBM个人电脑相比,麦金塔显然更为简单易用。
In1984, he again upended computing by leading the development of the Macintosh, the first commercially successful computer to use a mouse and graphical user interface. 1984年,他领导的第一个商业成功的电脑使用鼠标和图形用户界面的Macintosh的发展,再次颠覆了计算。
I chose a Macintosh when I purchased my first home computer in1992. 1992年我买了第一台苹果家用电脑。