ADJ 宏观经济的 Macroeconomic means relating to the major, general features of a country's economy, such as the level of inflation, unemployment, or interest rates.
...the attempt to substitute low inflation for full employment as a goal of macro-economic policy. 尝试以低通货膨胀率取代充分就业作为宏观经济政策的目标
The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy, third-world debt and the environment. 会议上提出的还是那些惯常讨论的老套话题——宏观经济政策、第三世界债务和环境问题。
Such differentiation shows that global macroeconomic worries are easing, at least a little. 这种差异化显示,全球宏观经济担忧正在缓和,至少出现了些许缓和。
We will keep macroeconomic policies stable, mainly by continuing to follow prudent fiscal and monetary policies. 稳定宏观经济政策,主要是继续实施稳健的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。
Attempts to restore macroeconomic stability and growth had certain policy components in common. 恢复宏观经济的稳定和增长的努力包含了某些共同的政策内容。
Are the inflation-targeting independent central bank and floating currencies the end of history in macroeconomic policy? 以通胀为目标的独立的央行和自由浮动的货币,是不是宏观经济政策的历史终结呢?
The bank also collects and disseminates information on macroeconomic topics and international monetary affairs. 银行还收集和传播关于宏观经济论题和国际货币事务方面的信息。
Development financing can be a powerful macroeconomic stabiliser. 发展融资可以成为强有力的宏观经济稳定器。
Also, domestic demand in the region was relatively resilient, having been cushioned by counter-cyclical macroeconomic policies. 另外,该地区的内需比较有弹性,在反周期性宏观经济政策的影响下得到缓冲。
Commitment strategies have also played a key role in the development of modern macroeconomic theory and policy. 承诺策略也在现代宏观经济理论和政策的发展中扮演了关键的角色。
The relationship between PPI and CPI is one of the hot issues in Macroeconomic research. PPI和CPI关系是宏观经济研究热点问题之一。
There were also macroeconomic consequences. 还出现了一些宏观经济方面的后果。
However, years of macroeconomic stability and economic progress may have inspired complacency. 不过,多年的宏观经济稳定与经济进步,可能引发了自满情绪。
Macroeconomic policy needs also to address asset prices, credit expansion and imbalances between sectors and economies. 宏观经济政策还需要应对资产价格问题、信贷扩张问题和各行业、各经济体之间的失衡问题。
In China, we give executives advice about macroeconomic and social issues. 在中国,我们就宏观经济和社会问题向高管提建议。
According to this new orthodoxy, macroeconomic stability should be achieved through interest rates. 根据这一新的正统理论,宏观经济稳定应通过利率实现。
The paper describes the reasons of this event and analyzes the economic prospect and macroeconomic policies of China in2009. 本文对中国经济进入下降周期的原因进行了分析,并对2009年中国宏观政策和经济前景进行了展望。
In addition, from the country's macroeconomic policy, market prices have limited space. 此外,从国家的宏观经济政策,市场价格已有限的空间。
The macroeconomic crisis of the past two years is also provoking a crisis of confidence in macroeconomics. 过去两年的宏观经济危机也引发了对宏观经济本身的信任危机。
Macroeconomic regulation was strengthened and improved. 整体经济调整得到加强和改进。
Such microeconomic studies provide support for macroeconomic analyses that suggest a link between mobile phones and economic growth. 这种微观经济研究为主张移动电话与经济增长之间存在联系的宏观经济分析提供了支持。
By macroeconomic policy I mean the twin areas of fiscal and monetary policies. 我所指的宏观经济政策包含财政与货币政策。
These inflows complicate macroeconomic policies in recipient countries through their impact on exchange rates and commodity prices. 这些资金流入对汇率和大宗商品价格产生影响,从而让接收国的宏观经济政策变得复杂。
The paper discusses macroeconomic regulation policy and microeconomic regulation policys content, validity, and existence reason respectively. 文章分别论述了宏观经济调控政策与微观经济规制政策的内容、有效性及存在理由。
The microeconomic and macroeconomic fluctuations might effect the loan. 微观和宏观经济的波动也许会影响贷款的归还。
My optimism is supported by current macroeconomic trends. 当前宏观经济趋势为我的乐观态度提供了的支持。
We must re-adjust macroeconomic policy. 我们必须调整宏观经济政策。
Second, the IMF should be fair, just and balanced in supervising the macroeconomic policies of its members. 其次,要确保国际货币基金组织对各成员国宏观经济政策监督的公平性、公正性和平衡性。
This is at the core of China's macroeconomic control. 这是中国宏观经济调控的核心。
Secondly, this will green food marketing environment for the conduct of macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis. 其次,本文将对绿色食品的营销环境进行宏观和微观的分析。
All projects are geared to creating a stable macroeconomic environment conducive to investment and long-term planning. 所有的计划都适合于建立一个稳定且有益于投资和长期规划的整体经济环境。