The Influence of Potassium on Color Expression of Acer truncatum Bunge Leaves Investigation of mesh free-finite element macroelement coupling method K元素对元宝枫秋叶变色的影响研究无网格&有限元广义单元耦合法的研究
Comparative analysis of diameter and macroelement content in primary roots and secondary roots from different layers of Zea mays 玉米初生根和不同层次次生根的直径和大量元素含量的比较分析
Garbage collection Investigation of mesh free-finite element macroelement coupling method 无用存储单元收集法无网格&有限元广义单元耦合法的研究
To raise the microelement or reduce the macroelement in H deriction was favourable of the rate of emergence in the anther culture; 结果是:提高原H配方中微量元素的倍数或降低大量元素的倍数有利于烟草花培出苗;
There existed two common factors called macroelement factor and trace element factor, which indicate the contents of macroelements and trace elements in the plants respectively. 因子分析中认为存在大量元素与微量元素两个公共因子,分别代表着植物中大量元素与微量元素的含量状况。
In grain, the content of macroelement and microelement can be controlled by different genetic mode. The content of macroelement in grain can be controlled more by genetic effect. The content of microelement in grain can be controlled less by genetic effect. 大量元素和微量元素在种子中含量的遗传变异受控制的方式是不相同的,大量元素含量的变异受到较多遗传效应的控制,而控制微量元素含量变异的遗传效应相对较少。
Effect of Activated Carbon, Microelement, Macroelement on Anther Culture in Tobacco 活性碳、微量元素、大量元素对烟草花药培养的影响
The macroelement factor was higher in Leguminosae plants than in Gramineae plants as the plants of Leguminosae had the capacity of nitrogen fixation. 豆科与禾本科相比,豆科植物因其具固氮能力,所含大量元素水平较高,而禾本科植物因细胞壁硅质化,含微量元素稍高;
Cucurbita moschata Allelopathy under Macroelement Stress 大量元素胁迫下南瓜化感作用研究
AC's promotion of tobacco anther culture emergence was effected with macroelement and microelement's balance level. 活性炭对烟草花药培养出苗的促进作用受培养基中大量元素、微量元素平衡程度的影响;
The promotion of AC was related to the promotion between microelement and macroelement in the culture medium; 活性碳的促进作用与培养基中大量元素和微量元素之间的比例有关;
The results showed ethanolic extraction of the 2 kinds of seaweeds contained essential inorganic elements, including 4 kinds of macroelement and 4 kinds of microelement; The content of Na was the most in macroelement and Fe was the most in microelement. 结果表明两种海藻醇提物含有人体必需的无机元素,其中宏量元素以Na含量最高,微量元素Fe含量最丰富。
Magnesium is a macroelement that can be absorbed by human bodies, and with high specific strength and stiffness, it has a broad application prospect in the field of medical implant materials. 镁是可被人体吸收的常量元素,且具有较高的比强度和比刚度,在医用植入材料领域具有广阔的应用前景。
Macroelement and REE geochemical studies indicate that ores of this lateritic gold deposit the possess mixed features of the weathering product of a primary Carlin type gold deposit and karst laterite. 常量元素和稀土元素的研究表明,红土型金矿矿石一般具有原始卡林型金矿风化产物和喀斯特红土的混合特征。
Through analyzing the distribution characteristics and geochemical behaviors ( such as macroelement, rare earth element and microelement) of volcanic rock here, structural transformation characteristics of Jiyang-Changwei depression in Cenozoic are studied using new geochemical theories and principles. 通过对火山岩分布特征、常量元素、稀土元素、微量元素地球化学特征分析,运用新的地球化学理论和原理,探讨了济阳-昌潍坳陷新生代构造转换特征。
Zn is microelement, but its phenotype variance is similar to macroelement. 锌虽然是微量元素,但其表现型变异与大量元素的相似,大部分是由遗传效应引起的。
Nitrogen is one of macroelement nutrients in plant, which plays an important role in plant growth and development. 氮素是植物生长所需的大量元素之一,在植物生长发育过程中起着重要的作用。
Biogas fertilizer is farmyard manure produce from biogas system. It is rich in many nutritive elements such as macroelement, microelement, organic matter, amino acid and vitamin. 沼肥是沼气系统形成的农家肥,含有丰富的大量元素和微量元素、有机质、氨基酸和维生素等,营养丰富。
Also a small difference in macroelement content was observed among the different poplar plantations. 2. 树木大量元素含量在不同杨树林分间也有一定差异。
As a signal transduction matter, calcium was extensively studied, while was rarely investigated as essential macroelement for pear growth. 在梨树中,钙主要被做为一种信号转导物质被广泛研究,而其做为一种梨树生长必须的重要矿质元素的作用却研究较少。