As Bill Cosby once joked, I did not graduate Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude. 正如比尔•考斯比有一次开玩笑的那样,我不是优等生毕业。
The deal was only valid if GM and Magna signed a final sale agreement. 这桩交易只在通用汽车与Magna签定最终出售协议的情况下有效。
GM, RHJ and Magna all declined to comment yesterday. 通用汽车、rhj和麦格纳昨日均拒绝置评。
I must warn you that I know judo, Krai magna and Tae Kwon do. 我必须警告你我精通柔道、空手道和跆拳道。
The heel and toe of Italy was called Magna Graecia. 意大利的脚跟和脚尖部分被称为大希腊。
I hope Magna won't close it without me requesting it. 我希望马弋那在没有我请求的情况下不要关闭这个贴子。
In graduating Magna Cum Laude from smith. 能从史密斯大学以优等生毕业。
Effects of Cu~ ( 2+) on the Growth and Reproduction of Daphnia magna Cu~(2+)对大型溞生长和繁殖的影响
Effects of Microcystis on the growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna 有毒和无毒微囊藻对大型溞生长和繁殖的影响
Now Magna will be heavily beholden to Germany and other European governments that will provide billions in loan guarantees. 如今轮到麦格纳感谢将要提供数十亿欧元贷款担保的德国及其它欧洲国家政府。
This disease should be differentiated from variation of the large cisterna magna, arachnoid cyst of the posterior forssa, cystic neoplasm, and severe hypoplasia of the cerebellum. 本病需与后颅窝蛛网膜囊肿、囊性新生物和变异的巨大枕大池以及重度小脑发育不全鉴别。
In order to evaluate impact of organoarsenics on aquatic system, the acute toxicity of organoarsenics to Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Deaphnia magna was examined in this study. 为评估有机胂添加剂对水环境的影响,以蛋白核小球藻、大型蚤为研究对象,研究了洛克沙胂、阿散酸对蛋白核小球藻和大型蚤的急性毒性。
Central and regional government officials said yesterday they had received written guarantees from Magna on the medium-and long-term future of production at the plant but wanted commitments on investment and jobs to 2013. 西班牙中央和地方政府官员昨日表示,他们收到了麦格纳就该工厂未来中长期产量的书面保证,但希望麦格纳就截至2013年的投资和工作岗位作出承诺。
QUINN RALLINS, 23, graduated magna cum laude last year from Morehouse College with a dual major in international studies and Spanish. 奎因瑞廉,23岁,去年毕业于莫尔豪斯学院优等生,主修国际研究和西班牙文。
Effects of different algae on the survival and reproduction of Daphnia magna 不同藻类对大型溞存活和生殖的影响
A spokesman quoted him as saying magna and Sberbank would conduct a "legal analysis" of the matter. 一位发言人引用他的话说,麦格纳和sberbank会对该事件进行“法律分析”。
Effects of Three Herbicides on the Survival, Growth and Reproduction of Daphnia magna 三种除草剂对大型溞Daphniamagna存活、生长和繁殖的影响
Both vehicles will be built by independent vehicle manufacturer Magna Steyr in Graz, Austria. 这两款车将建立独立的汽车制造商麦格纳斯太尔在奥地利格拉茨。
As the key part of the natural water food chain, the Daphnia magna is very sensitive to pesticides and listed as the essential non-target organism in the pesticide registration. 大型蚤是水体生态系统中对农药十分敏感的生物,被世界各国列为农药登记中必测非靶标生物之一。
Acute toxicity of nano-ZnO to Daphnia Magna 纳米ZnO对大型溞的急性毒性效应研究
Jodie Foster graduated magna cum laude from Yale University, and is fluent in French and German. Wow! 朱迪·福斯特以二等优异的成绩从耶鲁大学毕业,同时她可以说流利的法语和德语。哇塞!
Acute Toxicity Study of Triazole Fungicides Exposure to Daphnia magna 三唑类杀菌剂对大型溞急性毒性研究
But it began due diligence later, and the sale is essentially a two-way race between magna and RHJ. 但该公司的尽职调查起步较晚,而且此宗出售交易基本上是麦格纳与rhj两家之间的较量。
Magna Drive, NdFeB rare-earth permanent magnet, EDAX, SEM, Coulomb's magnetic law. 磁浮驱动变速装置,钕铁硼稀土永久磁铁,EDAX,SEM,库仑磁力定律。
Eduardo graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College with a degree in Economics. 爱德华从哈佛大学毕业优等学院,获经济学学士学位学位。
Beijing and RHJ still have a chance, if the Magna talks blow up unexpectedly. 北汽和rhj仍有机会如果麦格纳的谈判意外破裂的话。
Magna is no longer really in pole position, a person familiar with RHJ's plans said on Sunday. 麦格纳已不再真正处于领先地位,一位了解RHJ计划的人士周日表示。
For example, we are working with Magna Steyr in Europe. 例如,我们与欧洲的麦格纳斯太尔公司协同工作。