The waters of the Changjiang River rolled to the east on majestically. 雄伟的长江滚滚东流。
Every Sunday morning, I used to rise before dawn and head for Dolphins Nose, to enjoy the dazzling spectacle of the sun majestically rising out of the sea. 每个周日早晨,我习惯天不亮就起床,前往海豚鼻,享受太阳从海面上庄严升起的壮丽景观。
The day before the prom, I found that dress-in the right size? draped majestically over the living? room sofa. 舞会的前一天,我看到那件服装挂在起居室沙发的上方,端庄高贵,而且尺寸正好合适。
He hated Wellington with a downright hatred which pleased the multitude; and, for seventeen years, he majestically preserved the sadness of Waterloo, paying hardly any attention to intervening events. 他把威灵顿恨之入骨,因而为群众所喜爱,十七年来他几乎不过问这其间的多次事件,他岿然不动地把滑铁卢的痛史铭刻心中。
When he paid at the desk where Madam Rousseau, at that period still plump and rosy majestically presided, he gave a sou to the waiter, and Madam Rousseau gave him a smile. 柜台上,端坐着当时仍然肥硕鲜润的卢梭大娘,付帐时,他给堂倌一个苏,卢梭大娘则对他报以微笑。
As the King of day moves forth majestically, flooding the earth and every lowly vale, listen to the music of heaven's choir as it sings of the majesty of God and the glory of the morning. 白昼庄严地渐渐展开,它的光明,已遍照大地和每一低谷,你可以聆听天国合唱团的乐曲,在歌颂的尊贵下和早晨的荣光。
She has seen dally from her chamber-window towers, villages, faint white mansions; above all the town of Shaston standing majestically on its height; its windows shining like lamps in the evening sun. 每天她都从自己房间的窗户里看见教堂的钟楼、村庄和白色的屋宇;尤其是高踞山顶的威严的沙斯顿小镇特别惹人注意;小镇的窗玻璃在夕阳里闪闪发光,宛如一盏盏灯火。
I know how she was lost. 'Here he looked majestically at Richards. 我知道她是怎么丢失的。这时他威严地看着理查兹。
Sit by a lake or in a garden and, breathing quietly, let your mind fall silent as the moon comes up majestically and slowly in the cloudless night. 你可坐在湖边或花园中,静静地呼吸。当月亮自无云的夜空中优雅地缓缓升起时,让你的心灵平静下来。
One of the peaks soars in the center of the painting, nestling majestically between the other two. 山的峰巅落笔在画面的中心点,在其馀两峰之间。
The church Stands majestically on the top of the Montmatre hill. 这座宏伟的教堂巍然屹立在蒙马特高地的顶端。
"I order you to do so," the king answered him, and majestically gathered in a fold of his ermine mantle. 我命令你坐下。」国王回答他,并很威风的拉一拉大礼袍的衣角。
The Museum Project was based on this combination of basic forces and primeval elements which move slowly and majestically, with us as minuscule witnesses. 这个博物馆项目是基于这些基本的力量和最原始的元素,它们缓慢大气地运动,而我们则是微小的见证者。
Today, a socialist China geared toward modernisation, the world and the future towers majestically in the east. 今天,一个迈向现代化,面向世界,面向未来的社会主义中国庄严地屹立在世界东方。
The great magician who majestically works out the appointed order of the Creator, never reverses his transformations. 不,那庄严地制定了造物主的秩序的伟大魔术师从不逆转他的变化。
For what was more majestically intimate even than sex but death? 什么会比性爱的亲密更崇高呢?
When morning came, the sun rose majestically over a calm sea. 早晨到来了,太阳辉煌地照耀在乎静的海面上。
Two great white clouds rising up slowly, and majestically from the depths of the earth. 他观察到两大朵云从地球内部雄伟壮观地冉冉上升。
I had seen the house for years standing majestically on the point and had wondered about who lived there and what they did. 多年来,我看着这房子在这个岬角上雄伟矗立,一直好奇住在里头的是些什么人,他们是做什么行当的。
It was draped majestically over the living room sofa, presented to me artistically and lovingly. 它庄重地沿着起居室的沙发靠背拖曳着,如同一件艺术品栩栩如生地展现在我眼前。
The spaceship left the launching-pad and rose majestically, soon becoming a little dot. 航天飞机离开了发射台,庄严地升空,不久就成了一个小点。
She stood as majestically as ever, a voluptuous creature with blonde hair. 她,一个性感的金发女郎,像以往一样雍容华贵地站着。
In all of them the imagery of the sun as the ruler of both the upper and the lower worlds that he majestically visits on his daily round is prominent. 在所有这些作为两者的上方和下方世界,他庄严地在他访问的统治者日常一轮太阳意象是突出。
The great river lay deep at the bottom of the canyon, vast and obscure, majestically looking on as Nature bent to worship it. 大河深在谷底,但又朦胧辽阔,威风凛凛地巡视着为它折腰膜拜的大自然。
She strode majestically through the palace. 她威严地大步在宫殿中走过。
The Empress Hotel majestically overlooks Victoria's inner harbour. 皇后酒店以宏伟的眼神俯瞰这维多利亚港的内湾。
Where on earth can I find an ocean; without majestically swirling waves of saline solvent. 我在地球上哪里可以找到一汪海洋;没有雄伟的波涛和含盐的溶液。
"I meant no harm, young man," observed Mr. Bumble majestically. 我并不想冒犯你,年轻人,班布先生庄重地说。
There they hung majestically in mid air, and in the fading light we could still see the outline of these extraordinary buildings. 这些房子莫不俨然悬挂在半空中,借着黄昏的余光,还可以把这些稀奇的楼房形体看得出个大略。