N-UNCOUNT 虚构;虚幻 If someone is living in a make-believe world, they are pretending that things are better, different, or more exciting than they really are instead of facing up to reality.
...the glamorous make-believe world of show business... 娱乐界令人眼花缭乱的虚幻世界
She squandered millions on a life of make-believe. 她为一种虚幻的生活挥金如土。
N-UNCOUNT (孩子们玩的)假装,假扮(游戏) You use make-believe to refer to the activity involved when a child plays a game in which they pretend something, for example that they are someone else.
She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister. 她过去常跟姐姐玩扮家家的游戏。
...his make-believe playmate. 他玩扮家家的伙伴
ADJ 虚假的;虚幻的;虚构的;假装的 You use make-believe to describe things, for example in a play or film, that imitate or copy something real, but which are not what they appear to be.
In the video, Michael Jackson danced down a make-believe street protesting that 'the kid is not my son'... 录像里,迈克尔·杰克逊沿着虚设的街道一边跳舞一边抗议说:“那孩子不是我的儿子”。
The violence in those films was too unreal, it was make-believe... 那些影片里的暴力场面太不真实了,都是假的。
'But, why?' he asked in make-believe astonishment. “可是为什么呢?”他故作惊讶地问。
She squandered millions on a life of make-believe. 她为一种虚幻的生活挥金如土。
She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister. 她过去常跟姐姐玩扮家家的游戏。
In the video, Michael Jackson danced down a make-believe street protesting that 'the kid is not my son' 录像里,迈克尔·杰克逊沿着虚设的街道一边跳舞一边抗议说:“那孩子不是我的儿子”。
The violence in those films was too unreal, it was make-believe 那些影片里的暴力场面太不真实了,都是假的。
'But, why?' he asked in make-believe astonishment. “可是为什么呢?”他故作惊讶地问。
Then the make-believe becomes a reality. 然后假装就变成了现实。
All her previous make-believe dogs could do marvelous things. 她以前编造的狗狗都会做令人惊异的事情。
Here they can create make-believe worlds, the way kids do in northern climates. 在这里,他们可以创造虚拟世界,像北方的孩子们(在那边)做的一样。
Of course the Neverland had been make-believe in those days, but it was real now, and there were no night-lights, and it was getting darker every moment, and where was Nana? 当然,在家的时候,永无乡是想像出来的。可现在,它是真的了,夜灯没有了,天也越来越黑了,娜娜又在哪儿呢?
The difference between him and the other boys at such a time was that they knew it was make-believe, while to him make-believe and true were exactly the same thing. 在这种时候,彼得和别的孩子不同的地方是,他们知道这是假装的,可是对他来说,假装的和真的就是一回事。
Thus sharply did the terrified three learn the difference between an island of make-believe and the same island come true. 三个吓坏了的孩子这才敏锐地觉察到,一个假想的岛和一个真实的岛是多么不同。
This sometimes troubled them, as when they had to make-believe that they had had their dinners. 这一点,常常使他们感到为难,比如说,有时候他们不得不假装已经吃过了饭。
Make-believe was so real to him that during a meal of it you could see him getting rounder. 对于彼得,假装就等于是真的,他假装吃饭的时候,你就能看到他真的胖起来了。
All day long he waited for a make-believe letter to arrive from a fictitious attorney. 他整天等待着从一个虚构的律师那儿收到证实信。
I can see that you're a sucker for the make-believe too. 可以看得出来你也喜欢虚构的东西。
Completely lost in a make-believe world, I seemed to see all the lamplights drifting from the ground. 我仿佛看见所有的灯光正在大地上摇曳,我完全迷失在这虚幻的世界里。
The make-believe world of theater; play money; dangling their legs in the water to catch pretend fish. 剧场中虚幻的世界;假钱;在水中摇晃着腿捕捉并不存在的鱼。
We Got Married'became the nation's first make-believe marriage variety show. 我们结婚',成为全国第一个地以为婚姻文艺晚会。
Live in a world of make-believe. 生活在幻想的世界中。
You must know the difference between what's real and make-believe. 你一定要看清真实与假装之间的不同。
Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one. 是的,这场谎言的游戏规则很简单。
Language is a power but also make-believe. 语言是一种力量但也可能是虚幻的。
They live in a world of make-believe. 他们生活在虚幻的世界里。
She lives in a world of make-believe. 她生活在娇揉造作的世界里。
For generations, Norwegian children have been fed images of make-believe characters such as trolls, sirens and goblins. 一代代的挪威儿童都会听说到一些虚构的人物形象,如洞穴巨人、上女妖和小妖精。
There the young Norma Jean escaped into the make-believe world of movies. 在那里,年幼的诺玛·琼可以暂时逃循到电影的幻想世界中去。
My cigar store was doubly appealing: it combined collecting and make-believe. 我的雪茄店的吸引力是双重的,它将收藏和演戏结合了起来。
It's gone. I can't make-believe anymore. 都过去了,我只是再也不能让自己相信。
I'm a sucker for the make-believe. 我对那些虚构的很着迷。
The Netherlands is this make-believe place. 尼德兰是虚构出来的地方。