Optionally, edit the Makefile to adjust the software installation directory or other compilation details. 作为一个可选步骤,编辑Makefile以调整软件安装目录或其他编译细节。
"Standard Make" is the project type you choose when you want to use existing makefiles or create ones and manage their contents without the IDE modifying them in any way. 当您希望使用现有的makefile或创建一个makefile,并且在IDE不论怎样都不修改内容的情况下对它们进行管理时,“StandardMake”是您要选择的工程类型。
Now I have a Makefile. PL, and one other file in the project. 现在我们已经在项目中拥有了Makefile.PL和另一个文件。
With a suitably configured Makefile, only foo. o would be recompiled from its source. 使用一个经过适当配置的Makefile,将只会从源文件编译foo.o。
Enforce the use of makefiles, even for Visual Studio projects. 加强makefile的使用,即使是在VisualStudio项目中也是如此。
One of the most frustrating historical compatibility problems is handling inclusion in makefiles. 历史上最难解决的一个兼容性问题是在makefile中对包含的处理。
Another rule, make distclean, removes the Makefile and other generated files. 另一个规则makedistclean,可以删除Makefile和生成的其他文件。
This creates the required makefiles, etc. 这会创建所需要的makefile等内容。
Answer: Modify the makefile and specify values for ALIAS, UID, and PWD. 解答:请更改makefile,并为ALIAS、UID和PWD指定适当的值。
Type sc-m-M Main in the sample_spl directory to create a Makefile for this application. 在samplespl目录中键入sc-m-MMain,为该应用程序创建一个Makefile。
The result of./ configure is a Makefile compatible with your version of UNIX. configure的结果是一个与您的UNIX版本兼容的Makefile。
Note that by default, the Makefile is assumed to be in the same folder as the sources. 注意,在默认情况下假设Makefile在与源代码相同的文件夹中。
Finally, the flag& no-create prevents autoconf from creating Makefiles and the header files. 最后,标志&no-create禁止autoconf创建Makefile和头文件。
A better solution for Linux distributions might be to autogenerate the link files from the makefiles, since the makefiles encode more information about the services than the link files do. 一个更好一些的解决方案是Linux发行版本能从makefile文件自动生成链接文件,因为makefile文件比链接文件记录了更多的关于服务的信息。
"Managed Make" refers to the type of project where the IDE creates and manages the makefiles. “ManagedMake”指的是IDE创建并管理makefile的工程类型。
To compile and build this plug-in library, you can use the ldap_makefile supplied in the download below. 为了编译和构建这个插件库,可以使用后面下载中提供的ldapmakefile。
Put Release Engineering in charge of makefiles, but allow developers to create their own. 让版本工程学负责管理makefile,但是允许开发人员创建他们自己的makefile。
The decision to simply write a program to create makefiles is one solution. 简单编写程序来创建makefile就是一种解决方案。
Each build is specified using a Build Configuration and the IDE automatically creates a makefile for each Build Configuration. 每个构建都是利用BuildConfiguration来指定的,并且IDE将为每个BuildConfiguration自动生成makefile。
Let's review some of the most common problems you'll encounter when working with makefiles. 下面先来回顾一下在使用makefile时所遇到的最常见的一些问题。
You define the structure of these makefiles and control decisions such as how many targets there are and how they are distributed, possibly among multiple makefiles. 您定义了这些makefile的结构,并且控制例如有多少目标,以及它们如何分布的决策,可能在多个makefile之间。
You control the characteristics of the makefile by specifying appropriate properties for your project using the Project Properties GUI. 您通过利用ProjectPropertiesGUI为您的工程指定适当的属性来控制makefile的特征。
The Makefile also expresses dependencies among source files, so a change in an all-important header (. h) file might cause recompilation of all the C source code. 这个Makefile还说明了源文件之间的依赖关系,因此在一个非常重要的头文件(.h)中进行的一项更改,可能会导致重新编译所有的C源代码。
The exact code run, including the makefile, is provided. 这里提供了精确的代码运行结果,包括makefile。
For other Unix flavors, you will have to edit the Makefile to match the paths of the GTK/ GDK libraries on your system, or if you are an auto-conf guru, enable auto-conf/ auto-make on the project. 对于其他Unix版本,您必须编辑Makefile文件来匹配系统中GTK/GDK库的路径;或者,如果对auto-conf了解很透彻,您可以对工程启用auto-conf/auto-make。
Develop a common makefile structure and process. 开发一个共同的makefile结构和处理过程。
Project deliverables include support for editing, debugging, makefile generators, parsing, searching, and content assistance. 可交付的工程包括对编辑、调试、makefile生成器、语法分析、搜索和内容辅助的支持。
You need to create one more file to properly build the cloud application using the Android kernel source makefile. 您需要另外创建一个文件来使用kernel内核源makefile文件恰当地编译这个云应用程序。
The Linux makefile is very generic and runs on many systems-it is currently tested on mingw and MacOSX. 那个Linuxmakefile很通用,可以运行在很多系统上&它目前已经在mingw和MacOSX上测试过。
To change architectures you need to edit the kernel makefile and rerun the Linux kernel configuration program. 要修改处理器结构则只需编辑核心的makefile并重新运行Linux核心配置程序。