
网络  适应不良的; 适应不良; 不适应的; 不适应; 不良适应

BNC.40037 / COCA.21414


  1. Or maybe it really is maladaptive now, but is "the outcome of traits that were adaptive in ancestral environment," said Abbott.
  2. "From an evolutionary perspective, superstitions seem maladaptive," said Kevin Abbott, biologist at Carleton University in Ottawa and co-author of a recent study published in Animal Behavior.
  3. Nail-biting, in my view, isn't some revealing personality characteristic, nor a maladaptive echo of some useful evolutionary behaviour.
  4. He holds a similar view of cognitive behavioral therapy, or C.B.T., which seeks to alter behavior through a kind of Socratic dialogue that helps patients recognize the maladaptive connections between their thoughts and their emotions.
  5. But that can become a vicious cycle, it can become maladaptive, and people can gain weight then in the process.
  6. Fisher sees the dangers of maladaptive love in fMRI studies she's conducting of people who have been rejected by a lover and can't shake the pain.
  7. Inflexible and maladaptive patterns of behavior.
  8. And in doing so, he created a system that perpetuates the maladaptive behavior on the Earth plane.
  9. And the main the main effect of two maladaptive humor style, the result is just inverse.
  10. Personality disorders are characterized by long-standing maladaptive ways of interacting with the world, and they are notoriously difficult to treat.
  11. We are now more flexible in accommodating your needs inflexible and maladaptive patterns of behavior.
  12. Where do we draw the line between normal, healthy, typical behavior and what we might want to call abnormal, atypical, deviant, unhealthy maladaptive mental problems?
  13. However, the question of whether maladaptive choice constitutes a predisposing factor to, or a consequence resulting from, alcohol exposure remains open.
  14. It's proved that traditional teaching method is increasingly maladaptive to the demand of social and enterprise development, especially to cultivate technical talents who can meet the demand of particular post.
  15. But coping with the negative stress, they tend to adopt maladaptive coping ways, such as Mental Disengagement, Behavioral Disengagement.
  16. Maladaptive disease to stress
  17. Using multiple regression, the predictive power of fear of authority and fear of negative evaluation on maladaptive perfectionism were examined.
  18. CONCLUSION: Patients with obsessive compulsive disorder use more immature and intermediate defense mechanisms and adopt maladaptive coping styles, and there is significant correlation between them.
  19. Fear of authority and fear of negative evaluation totally explain 41.6% of the variance of maladaptive perfectionism.
  20. The results indicated there were different internal encouragement ability, different value-dispositions of communication between the two groups, and the maladaptive pupils were sensitive to negative meanings but held back the expression.
  21. MATHODS: Some maladaptive social behaviors, such as aggression and depression, were formed through mental process behavioral response linkages and were related to special knowledge structures.
  22. Results Fear of authority is moderately associated with maladaptive perfectionism.
  23. Maladaptive ingredients in perfectionism and social anxiety are closely related. Perfectionist as a stable personality trait is not easy to change after the formation. Clinical or counseling work is difficult to directly change their destructive impact on social anxiety.
  24. We can improve new-students 'maladaptive social adaptation in the middle school and promote their healthy growth by adjusting their perceived stress levels.
  25. The maladaptive cognition of groups of high and low internet use were not significantly different on the effect paths while mediating the effect processes of adolescents 'online social support on each variables of their mental health, but they were significantly different on path coefficients. 4.
  26. Chronic opiates exposure can not only create a physical and psychological dependence, but also led to maladaptive changes in brain function, including the visual cortical function.
  27. Junior middle school students 'academic burnout has a significantly negative correlation to adaptive perfectionism, but has a significantly positive correlation to maladaptive perfectionism. 4.
  28. The plasticity of chlorophyll content and fluorescence parameters may be maladaptive and reflects metal toxicity to leaves, whereas the anatomical plasticity is adaptive, indicative of a tradeoff between the physiological and anatomic plasticity.
  29. The model shows that: junior middle school students 'academic self-efficacy and perfectionism can forecast academic burnout in a positive way; the adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism both can forecast directly academic burnout, also can indirectly forecast academic burnout through the academic self-efficacy.



  1. showing faulty adaptation