The application of maleinized liquid polybutadiene in coatings 顺酐化液体聚丁二烯及其在涂料中的应用
The synthetic process and modification method of maleinized liquid polybutadiene and its applications in aqueous and nonaqueous coatings were reviewed in this paper. 概述了顺酐化液体聚丁二烯的合成工艺,顺酐化液体聚丁二烯的改性方法及其在水性涂料和非水性涂料中的应用情况。
In this paper, at first, the transgenic soybean oil was functionalized. The maleinized hydroxylated oil ( HO/ MA) was synthesized from the transgenic soybean oil by functional reactions. 本论文首先以转基因大豆油为主要原料,通过官能化反应合成了马来酸酐化羟基大豆油(HO/MA)。