ADJ-GRADED (尤指先天性的)畸形的,变形的,残缺的 If people or parts of their body are malformed, they do not have the shape or form that they are supposed to, especially when they have been like this since birth.
...malformed babies... 畸形婴儿
More rarely, the tubes have been malformed from birth. 这些管状器官先天畸形的现象更加少见。
More rarely, the tubes have been malformed from birth. 这些管状器官先天畸形的现象更加少见。
This means that Web services portals, of which the Ajax applications are a part, could expose corrupted data to other parts of the portal, resulting in malformed messages and excessive parsing. 这意味着Web服务门户(Ajax应用程序属于其中的一部分)将把破损数据暴露给门户的其他部分,从而导致畸形消息和过度解析。
The binary data can be malformed if the bytecodes have been changed& if the major or minor number has been changed, for instance. 如果字节码发生了更改,例如主版本号或次版本号发生了更改,那么二进制数据的形式就会有误。
If you notice the same IP address range attempting to access the server, or the same malformed URLs being sent to the server, these requests should be blocked by the firewall or by the Domino server. 如果注意到相同的IP地址范围尝试访问服务器,或者相同的不良URL被发送到服务器,这些请求应该由防火墙或者Domino服务器阻止。
The binary data that purports to specify a requested compiled class or interface is malformed. 负责指定所请求的编译类或接口的二进制数据形式有误。
Again, there are areas where the bindings still need work ( when calling bus. add_signal_receiver, the user must pass in an interface and an object path; otherwise, malformed matchers are created). 此外,有些地方需要做绑定的工作(当调用bus.addsignalreceiver时,用户必须传入一个接口和一个对象路径;否则会创建不正常的匹配器)。
Of course, Word is hardly the only program that behaves atrociously in the face of malformed files. 当然,Word并不是惟一一个面对畸形文件时表现得如此糟糕的程序。
The average number of packets containing malformed data received per second. 平均每秒收到的含有错误格式的数据的数据包数。
The reason for this is most probably that the message is malformed. 这很有可能是由于该邮件的机构畸变造成的。
He was malformed and they said he was one of the village idiots. 这个人身体畸形,他们说,他是村庄的一位白痴。
The default is to not display malformed answers. 对于那些有问题的响应是否显示,默认是不显示。
Hs heart was malformed, with only one ventricle pumping chamber instead of two. 韩笑的心脏发生了变形,只有一个心室搏动。
This article analyzes the classification of disease, the factor of ailing inheritance and environmental factors of201 cases of congenital malformed children in Xiangfan city. 分析了襄樊市201例先天畸形儿的疾病分类、发病的遗传因素和环境因素,提示了实行遗传优生咨询和产前诊断是预防先天畸形发生的必要措施。
In order to ensure the ingress to be benign, the gateway audit system deals with the malformed packets and eliminates the fragment semantic ambiguity of the fragments. 通过网关审计器去除外网数据流中的畸形数据包和分片的分片语义歧义性,保证进入内网的数据包为良性的。
Spina bifida occulta is the mildest and most common form in which one or more vertebrae are malformed. 隐性脊柱裂是最轻的一型,可能会涉及一个或多个椎骨的畸形。
A hacker enters a malformed SQL statement into the textbox that changes the nature of the query so that it can be used to break into, alter, or damage the back-end database. 黑客向文本框中输入不正确的SQL语句以更改查询的性质,从而可以使用它入侵、更改或损坏后端数据库。
He was born with a malformed foot& a disability which tortured him with self-consciousness in his youth. 拜伦生下时,一只脚就带有残疾&这使他在年轻时候极为敏感,由此给他带来莫大的痛苦。
This is likely caused by a malformed conditional statement. 这是一个恶意的条件语句所造成。
Out of the Worm shall come seven lions malformed with goats heads. 蠕虫外面会来七头狮子,畸形地长着山羊的头。
The security label ( s) in this digitally signed message is ( are) corrupt/ malformed. 此包含数字签名的邮件中的安全标签已损坏或畸形。
To meet a great expert in a field and regard him as a malformed child is not a winning social grace. 迎接一个在某个领域的伟大的专家并把他看成一个畸形的孩子不是个好的社会风尚。
Many animals died during these experiments, including ones malformed at birth. 许多动物死于这些试验,这当中包括产下的畸形胎。
Many times spam does not have a SUBJECT: or it is malformed without appropriate text. 多次邮件没有主题:畸形或者是没有适当的文本。
Bad or malformed serialization info for the message object. 该消息对象的序列化信息错误或格式不正确。
The upload data file does not exist or is malformed. 上载数据文件不存在或有问题。
Invalid or malformed XML data. xml数据无效或格式不正确。
The number of incoming packets that are silently discarded for a reason other than "malformed,"" invalid Message Authenticator," or "unknown type". 除了错误格式、无效消息验证者或未知类型的原因外,被默默丢弃的传入数据包数。
Scientists have discovered the primary mechanism by which thalidomide causes malformed limbs in developing embryos. 科学家已发现在胚胎发育过程中由萨立多胺所引发的畸形肢体的初步原因。
An affliction in which some part of the body is misshapen or malformed. 由于身体的某个部位畸形而痛苦。
Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That's all we know. 您的客户端发出一个格式不正确或非法的要求。这就是我们知道的。