Be able to do something artistic with your hands, whether it be drawing, creating mandalas, playing a musical instrument, sculpting, beading, knitting, making pottery, or making jewelry. 会亲手从事些艺术活动,包括画画、做个坛(译者按:佛教中的用具)、摆弄乐器、雕塑、编串珠子,编织、制陶或者珠宝制作。
Application of this theory to the spatiotemporal behavior of complex biochemical reactions has revealed symmetric patterns similar to the mandalas presented by C.G. 对于复杂生物化学反应的时空行为的这个理论的应用已显示出类似曼荼罗均衡模式,通过C.G。
Later, when I taught troubled High School students, we used sand and string to make mandalas. 稍后,当我教难缠的中学生时候,我们用沙子和细绳制做曼荼罗。
Mandalas originated in India, but were mainly used in Tibetian Buddhism. 曼陀罗源于印度,但主要用于藏传佛教。
Finished mandalas are framed in wood or metal then hung them from a hook in the middle of a window so the sunlight can shine through enhancing the beauty of the art work. 完成的曼荼罗用木头和金属加框然后把它们吊挂在窗户中间,这样日光能通过照射增强艺术品美感。
Mandalas were originally made from Buffalo hides, Eagle feathers, and wild animal furs. 曼荼罗最初以水牛皮、鹰的羽毛和野生动物毛皮做成。
Mandalas are circular designs arranged in layers radiating from the center. 曼荼罗是从中心往外水平辐射排列的圆环设计。
Such symbols include icons, diagrams, sacred syllables, mandalas, the ritual scepter ( dorje), bell, drum, costumes, ornaments, music, dance, and movements. 这样的符号包括肖像、图表、神圣的音节、曼德拉、神笏(多杰)、铃、鼓、装束、装饰、音乐、舞蹈和动作等。