After the earthquake: The Mani stones still remain, but the atmosphere is decidedly different. 震后:玛尼堆还在,但祈福的氛围已经完全不同。
Beijing famous fight Mani, cool climate, which can be Yuanwang peak age of the Palestinian smoke Mimang are volcanic. 著名的京打马尼,气侯凉爽,由此可远望顶峰终年烟雾迷朦的巴都火山。
The fast-growing company has recruited Jai Mani to be lead product manager for India, Hugo Barra, vice-president of international operations and himself a former Google executive, announced yesterday. 小米国际业务副总裁雨果•巴拉(HugoBarra)昨日宣布,这家飞速发展的公司已把JaiMani招至麾下,担任其印度首席产品经理。雨果本人也是一名谷歌前高管。
I gotta go get a mani, PEDI and my eyebrows waxed. 我要去给我的鬃毛,腿毛,眉毛上蜡了。
Obtaining deformation of Mani earthquake by three-pass D-InSAR technique 利用三轨法D-InSAR技术获取玛尼地震形变
Among them were devotees of the ascetic third-century prophet Mani, a number of outspoken atheists, and a mathematician who had written a paean in praise of paganism. 其中有摩尼教的信徒,该教派由先知摩尼在公元3世纪创立,信奉苦行主义,以及一些直言不讳的无神论者,还有一位数学家&他曾写过一首赞美异教的颂歌。
I will never forget the manI met at my friend's house. 我将永远不会忘记在朋友家中遇到的那个人。
And Mani has forecast that the Netherlands-not Spain-will win the final. Mani's fans in Singapore say his prediction is the one to believe. 马尼预测荷兰而不是西班牙将取得世界杯冠军。马尼的粉丝们在新加坡说它的预测是值得信赖的。
Hey everyone, my name is Mani! 嗨,大家!我的名字叫马妮!
Because Beurre mani é contains uncooked flour, liquids thickened using Beurre mani é dough may have an undesirable floury or pasty taste due to the uncooked proteins in the flour. 因为奶油面糊包含未烹调过的面粉,用这种生面团增稠的汤汁可能会因为面粉中的生蛋白质而带有不好吃的粉质或寡味。
Mani's religion was a complex Gnostic system offering salvation by knowledge. 摩尼的宗教是一个复杂的诺斯替教体系,提供了通过知识而拯救的途径。
Augustine challenged Manichaeism by denying Mani's apostleship and condemning his rejection of biblical truth. 奥古斯丁挑战摩尼教,否认摩尼的使徒身份,谴责他拒绝圣经的真理。
The Spiritual Connotation and Its Meaning of Art of Mani Carved on Stones in Tibetan Buddhism 藏传佛教嘛呢石刻艺术的精神内涵及其意义
"I cherish the hope that there is a little hill village somewhere in China where there are still followers of Mani, but I don't think that is the case," he added. “我怀有一种希望,就是希望在中国某处的小山村庄上,仍然还有摩尼的追随者,但我不认为这是属实。”他补充说。
Mani restored his essential teachings. 摩尼恢复了他的教导的本质。
Beurre mani é should not be confused with roux, which is also a thickener made of equal parts of butter and flour, but which is cooked before use. 奶油面糊不应与油面糊相混淆,尽管它也是用等量黄油和面粉制成的增稠剂,但它是使用前才烹制的。
In Mani's myth man is lost and fallen in existence, but in essence he is a particle of Light and thus one in substance with God. 在摩尼的神话里,人是受迷惑,堕落于实在物中,但本质上,他是一个光之分子,从而一个在物质中的人与神在一起。
He is the last manI want to see now. 他是我现在最不愿见到的人。
They had one great solemnity, that of the Bema, the anniversary of Mani's death. 他们有一个伟大的严肃性,即贝马,纪念摩尼的死亡。
It surprises us with unexpected changes in its landscape and architecture, from the severe stone settlements of Mani in the Peloponnese, to the sparkling white settlements of the Aegean. 从伯罗奔尼撒马尼地区那酷烈的石头碉楼民居,到爱琴海上明艳洁白的小岛房屋,希腊的自然风物和人居建筑以其超乎想象的变化带给我们不断的惊奇。
Mani's fans in Singapore say his prediction is the one to believe. 他的新加坡粉丝们都相信他的预测是正确的。
Salvation was exemplified in the Manichaen community, a hierarchy of two classes: the Elect, who consisted of Mani's successor, 12 apostles, 72 bishops, and360 presbyters; and the Hearers. 拯救在摩尼教社区内作为例证,社区是一个两个级别组成的层次:被选上者,由摩尼的继承者组成,有12位门徒,72位主教和360位长老,还有听众。
Founded by Mani the sage, who claimed divine revelation and preached that he was the final prophet of God in the world, after Adam, Buddha, Jesus Christ and Zarathushtra. 由圣人摩尼建立,声称神的启示,鼓吹自己是继亚当,佛陀,耶稣基督和琐罗亚斯德之后的神在世界上的最后一位先知。
When I will make next seals I'm going to mix clay with tibetan incenses and little crystals, aromatic oils and put a scroll with mani mantra-heart of compassion. 当我要做下一批印时,我会将粘土混入一些藏香、小粒水晶、精油以及放入一卷六字大明咒,表大悲心。
And you are not half the mani know you can be. 可你现在还远没有成人。
Before the earthquake: Kids take a break from Kora ( holy circumnavigations) for a fairy floss break amidst painted mani stones. 震前:孩子们在仪式的中间溜出来买一支棉花糖。
A third century dualistic religion, founded by Mani, who fused Persian, Christian, and Buddhist elements into a major new faith. 由摩尼创立的一个第三世纪的二元论宗教,熔入了波斯教,基督教和佛教要素而形成一种主要新信仰。
Based on his fieldwork and observation, the author makes a preliminary study on traditional thought of Mani people. 本文在对该村进行田野调查和参与考察的基础上,对玛尼人的传统思维方式进行了初步的探索。
An attempt to study fault activity using remote sensing technology& a case of the mani earthquake 利用遥感技术研究断层现今活动的探索&以玛尼地震前后断层相互作用为例
The tectonic condition and the feature of surface rupture zone of the Mani earthquake ( Ms 7.9) in 1997 1997年玛尼7.9级地震的构造环境和地表破裂带特征