I wonder the general modesty, manliness, sincerity of his nature, do not plead with heR in his behalf. 我不知道他生性这样谦虚,诚恳和具有大丈夫气概,为什么不为他而感动她。
So some men may feel the need to prove their manliness on the sly. 因此,一些男人就想要偷偷地证明他们的男子气概。
It turns out that showcasing manliness is the better strategy, according to a study in the latest issue of Psychology of Women Quarterly. 最新一期《女性心理学季刊》(PsychologyofWomenQuarterly)发表的一项研究显示,展现男子气概是更好的策略。
I'll love you with my heart and soul; and guard you with my manliness. 我对你的爱倾注了我心血的灵魂,为守护你我会变得刚强。
I had n't the manliness to face that. 我没有勇气和众人对着干。
We're losing the contribution manly men can make, and we're confusing women and men, who don't quite know what to do about manliness. 我们正在失去阳刚男人应有的做为,男人和女人都困惑不已,他们不了解阳刚之气,也不知道该如何阳刚。
The open admiration of young men in ancient Greece was part of a culture of manliness where women played a subservient role. 古希腊对年轻男性的公开仰慕是男子汉文化的一部分在这种文化中,女性居于从属地位。
The values which he associates with manliness are stoicism, strength of character, assertiveness and decisiveness, the confidence to take risks and the ability to be a gentleman whenever necessary. 被他归为男子气概的特点包括淡泊、性格坚强、自信、决断、有信心承担风险,以及在任何必要时刻都能做一个绅士。
He also had the manliness to forgive his opponents. 他也有男性气概原谅他的反对者。
His confidence, his manliness and bravery, turn his wit into wisdom. 他的自信、男子气概和勇敢将他的风趣变为智慧。
The men of northeast are tall and full of manliness, but they don't know how to listen to the voice of women. 东北男人则高大威猛,男人味十足,却不懂得去倾听女人的心声;
He is known for his loyalty and manliness, but he's shy when it gets to love. 他以他的义气忠诚和男子气概被认知,但是当他害羞时被动时被喜爱。
It was a quiet kind of manliness that I rarely saw at that age. 它是一个安静的我很少看到那个年龄的男子气概。
Be a sturdy oak: manliness requires rationality, toughness, and self-reliance. a man must remain calm in any situation, show no emotion, and admit no weakness; 坚实的橡木:男性气概要求理智、坚韧、自信。一个男人必须在任何情况下保持冷静,不能表现出感情,不能承认虚弱;
The need to prove his manliness. 需要去证明他有男子气概。
I offer you the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon. I offer you whatever insight my books may hold, whatever manliness or humour in my life. 我交给你我的书本也许会拥有的无论什么样的洞见,我生命中所有的的无论什么样的男子气概或谐趣。