n. 习性; 言谈举止; (绘画、写作中)过分的独特风格; 风格主义,矫饰主义(16世纪意大利的一种艺术风格,以怪诞、变形的方式表现事物) mannerism的复数
His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied math professor 他的举手投足更像是一个全神贯注的数学教授。
His mannerisms are affected and full of pretence. 他的那副派头完全是装腔作势,假得很。
Not only did Ashton get the many looks of Steve brown beard, no beard, gray beard, etc but also the mercurial and often maniacal mannerisms. 艾什顿不仅模仿了史蒂夫的外表棕色胡子、没有胡子、灰色胡子等等也抓住了史蒂夫的机智多变,以及有些疯狂的怪癖。
Animated gestures, lively expressions and physical mannerisms are excellent ways of conveying a given idea. 要传达给定的信息,丰富的姿势、生动的表情加上肢体语言是极好的传达途径。
Emulate their speaking styles and mannerisms. 模仿他们的说话方式和习惯。
British Airways unveiled an inspiring online campaign in China that aims to introduce the mannerisms and idiosyncrasies of the British people. 英国航空公司日前宣布,在华推出一项别出心裁的线上活动,旨在向大家介绍英国当地的风俗礼仪。
It can communicate via mannerisms, expressions and physical conduct. When it comes to effective communication skills, excellent verbal content is coupled with sound physical expression to render an engaging effect on the audiences. 它可以通过个人的特殊动作习惯、表情和肢体行为来完成沟通。有效的沟通需要口头交流与肢体语言的完美配合,从而在听众身上达到惊人的效果。
He started to mimic the mannerisms, the talk, even the walk of his hero Mitterrand. 他还开始模仿他心中的英雄密特朗的言行举止。
'Every day I see a lot of the same mannerisms,' he said. 'Boarding is like watching a show sometimes.' 他说:每天我都会看到大量同样的迷信行为,有时候迎接登机就像观看表演一样。
Richardson also again showed all the mannerisms of a pop star, or at least a would-be pop star, who's seen a lot of boy band videos. 理查森再次展示他的明星风范,或至少在大多男孩乐队视频里的准明星风范。
Feminine men and masculine or aggressive women will be valued for their contributions, not judged by their looks or mannerisms. 女性化的男人和男性化的女人将因他们的贡献而受到尊重,而不是以他们的外貌或礼仪来取人。
When our children are around us, even if we don not mean to let them, they will pick up our verbalizations, mannerisms and attitudes and use them in their interactions with others and with us. 孩子在我们身边,即使你并非有意这样做,他们也会学会我们讲话的方式,行为方式和态度,并且会用在与我们或者他人的交往之中。(何等的特权和机会!)
She emphasised her Indian identity above her Italian, wearing only saris in public and adopting local mannerisms. 她强调自己的印度身份比意大利血统更重要,在公开场合只穿着纱丽,并遵循印度本国习俗。
An insufferably precious performance; a child with intolerably cute mannerisms. 不能忍受的矫揉造作的表演;有着无法忍受的矫揉造作的习气的小孩。
Nothing looks worse than to see a speaker fidget about or adopt peculiar positions or mannerisms. 一个坐立不安老是摆出特殊或奇怪姿态的演讲者是再难看不过的了。
In his caricature, he burlesqued the mannerisms of his adversary. 他用漫画嘲弄他的对手矫揉造作的习气。
She interprets the lip moments, learns entirely new language, and understands mannerisms at a stage of life where she still does not have any base language. 在完全还没有语言基础的时候,她就试着读唇语,学习全新的语言,理解(他人的)行为特点。
If you are prone to distracting mannerisms, your teacher will identify them so you can work on controlling them in later speeches. 如果你易于慌乱无措,你的教师将会发现这一点,以便你在以后的演讲中努力加以控制。
She needs the right clothes, and a few attractive mannerisms. 她需要合适的衣服,一些吸引人的风度。
He had nervous mannerisms that intensely irritated me. 他那些矫揉造作的神经质的姿势让我恼火透了。
He's got some very strange mannerisms. 他有些奇怪的习惯动作。
Right from his mannerisms to his tone to his belief in medicine, Boman was perfect. 从他的举止的权利,他的口气,他在医学上的信仰,博曼是完美的。
Imitating the mannerisms of another person. 模仿其他人的特殊习惯。
However try to avoid nervous mannerisms, such as tapping your foot or playing with your hair. 面试的时候,不自然的小动作哦,比如不停叩脚,拨弄头发之类。
Use a character's attitude, mannerisms, and dialogue to increase the comedy. 使用一个角色的态度、怪癖和对话来增加喜剧效果。
A strange, wild smell assaults its nostrils, but the old wolf, who knows the dog's mannerisms and vocabulary well, pretends to be a wretched old dog long forsaken by its master. 但是老狼懂得狗的礼性和语汇,显出一副倒霉的、被主人遗弃了很久的老狗的样子。
The most discreetly influential figures in the City and on Wall Street display the style and mannerisms of Mr Market's courtiers. 金融城和华尔街最谨慎的权势人物展示了市场先生追随者的风格和怪癖。