Her plastic surgeon, Cesar Morillas, one of the most sought-after in Peru, told reporters he had never claimed to be the "creator" of Mantilla. 这个整形医生,切萨尔·莫里拉丝,是秘鲁很著名也很受欢迎的整形医生之一,却告诉记者说,他从来没有声称自己是玛丽亚的“创造者”。
The pair had a promotional agreement before Mantilla was crowned Miss Peru, in which she would publicize his clinic in exchange for operations. 在玛丽亚还没有当选“秘鲁小姐”之前,她和莫里拉丝医生曾达成了一份互利协议:莫里拉丝免费为玛丽亚做手术,玛丽亚则为他的诊所做宣传。
"That's how far-reaching the Lakers are," Mantilla said. 这个对湖人有着深远的意义,'曼蒂拉说。