(佛教和印度教中的)曼特罗,祷文,符咒 A mantra is a word or phrase repeated by Buddhists and Hindus when they meditate, or to help them feel calm.
N-COUNT (尤指认为并不正确或只是部分正确的)准则,原则,圭臬 You can use mantra to refer to a statement or a principle that people repeat very often because they think it is true, especially when you think that it not true or is only part of the truth.
Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services. 倾听顾客意见现在已成了公共事业机构每一届新管理层都会奉行的准则之一。
Mr Sharma lit incense and chanted Sanskrit mantras. 夏尔马先生点上香,念起梵文咒语。
In particular he criticizes political leaders for being sucked into using meaningless phrases and hackneyed mantras to disguise policies or protect themselves from accountability. 他还特别批评了政府领导人们热衷于使用无意义词语和陈腐高调来伪饰政策或推脱责任的行为。
One of the mantras I've heard some of my colleagues use is to wait until the last responsible moment. 我的一些同事信奉在最后责任一刻做决定。
On good design Thats been one of my mantras focus and simplicity. 有关好的设计这一直是我的一个座右铭集中和简单。
The great Sanskrit mantras are said to contain unimaginable powers, the ability to row you, if you can stay with one, all the way to the shorelines of divinity. 伟大的梵文咒语据说包含难以想象的力量,能载着你只要你待在其中一路划向神的海岸。
He's got some sixty pages of diagrams about palm-reading, and more notebooks full of astro-logical data, mantras, spells and cures. 他有六十页的图表在说明手相,还有写满占星资料、咒语、符咒与疗法的笔记本。
They repeated compassion mantras, such as May you be free from suffering. 他们重复慈悲咒语,比如愿你从痛苦中解脱出来。
The other day the medicine man told me that he knows sixteen different meditation techniques, and many mantras for all different purposes. 有天药师告诉我,他懂得十六种不同的禅坐法,以及切合不同需要的多种咒语。
But, Rachel says, in our studio, we will never have practices that contradict our religion, such as mantras and chanting. 但是,蕾切尔说,在我们的瑜伽馆,我们永远也不会做那些与我们的宗教相抵触的事情,比如念佛教中的祷语或经文。
The Secret School is the magical response which comes from your recitation of mantras; I can't know your response. 所谓密宗,就是你念这个咒啊,有你的灵感,我不知道;
If, one day, they found a common voice, it would speak the disremembered mantras of nationalism and economic isolation. 假如有朝一日他们有了共同的声音,那将是已被遗忘的提倡民族主义和经济孤立的声音。
Vedic Mantras are chanted according to the intonation given in the Vedas. 吠陀颂歌是根据《吠陀经》中给出的语调唱诵的。
I recite mantras and have my magical response, and you do not know of it. 我念这个咒呢,就有我的灵感,你不知道。
In the face of the credit squeeze, determinedly optimistic investment bankers have two favourite mantras: "it will all bounce back in the second quarter", and "Asia is still booming". 面对信贷紧缩,坚定持乐观态度的投资银行家有两句经常喜欢说的话:“第二季度就会反弹回来”,和“亚洲还在快速发展”。
Actually the same principle applies to my works in English, hence the mantras will be given in Pin Yin and practiced accordingly. 林上师:实际上同样的原则在我的英文作品里也可行,因此咒文会以罗马拼音写出,并且依之修习。
Sanskrit is mostly used as a ceremonial language in Hindu religious rituals in the forms of hymns and mantras. 梵语主要作为印度宗教仪式的语言而使用,以诗歌和咒语的形式出现。
Since I do many mantras from different traditions here is some explanation about them. 因为我唱诵各个不同传统的祈祷文,这里是相关的解释。
Self hypnosis, counting backwards, visualizations, and mantras are but a few of the methods available. 自我催眠、倒计数、观想、和念咒只是其中少数可行的方法。
Mantras work because they take your focus away from the stress and drama ( just for a moment) and invite more peace into your life. 咒语能起作用因为它们可以把你的注意从压力中转移开来,就像演一出戏(只是一会儿),可以把更多的平静带入你生命中。
Sanskrit verses used in the Vedic sacrifice are known as mantras. 吠陀祭礼所使用的咒语韵文是大家所知的咒语。
The man who is in business is the same as the man who is occupied, a sannyasi, with repeating his mantras and thinking, thinking, thinking. 从事商业的人和一个被重复他的曼陀罗唱诵以及思考,思考,思考占据的托钵僧是相同的。
He uttered the sacred mantras giving assurance of safety and fearlessness to all beings, who were only manifestations of his own Self. 他弃绝了曾经给他保证和安全的神圣曼陀罗,无畏地面对所有的本质,也就是唯一地显现出他的本觉。
The Vedic mantras explain that the all-powerful Absolute Truth possesses a spiritual form, and although He remains in the spiritual sky. 韦达曼陀罗阐述到,无所不能的绝对真理具有一个灵性的形体。
We chant mantras so that your souls may be ignited like candles. 我们的灵魂能够通过唱颂而变得像蜡烛一样发光。
The phrase diets don't work has been drummed into us by book titles, advertising slogans, and other such mantras. 到处都能看到节食没用这句话:书的标题上、广告上或者其它类似的地方。
Now I see that the Shurangama Mantra is just a combination of many little mantras. 原来这个〈楞严咒〉是很多小咒凑到一起的!
I think it's nothing wrong in presenting it ( mantras from tantras). 我认为公开(密咒)并没有什么错误。
It's not mantras, but the power of mantras that is the Secret School. 并不是这个咒是密宗,那个咒的力量才是密。
Mantras have always existed in a latent state as sound energies. 祈祷文一直以来都是以声音的能量存在于一种隐性状态中。